Guys, I get that not everyone is super into auctions and what not but all of those herbs I just vendored were from the AH and being posted for HALF of their vendor price.
Guys, be careful when trying to undercut competition. Pay attention to the vendor price on the items you are putting up as well as take into account the AH Listing Fee. Most of these were put up for half their vendor value, peace bloom being sold for 5c a piece when they vendor for 10c. Put the listing fee on top of that and I have to wonder if you are even breaking even at that point.
Just be careful when selling on the AH and trying to undercut that you are not selling them at less than their vendor price and also take into account the listing fee. Don’t throw away your money, its too valuable in Classic.
If you are using addons like Auctionator that auto undercuts then pay extra attention. Please, do not throw away your money guys because then greedy goblins like myself will take advantage of your slip ups.
I mean, for me? Nah, it was a good day. For them, I do feel bad because I feel like they just were not paying attention XD I wonder if they will even notice or just assume they are making money because their stuff is selling.
Also, when undercutting, if you keep the SAME buyout price as the higher bid, but undercut the STARTING BID, yours lists first. You shouldn’t be undercutting the buyout
If I cannot make more than vendor + AH cut, I vendor it. I spend a good amount of time farming herbs and such. But if folk don’t want to pay for it, then folk don’t get them. lol
Yes, they are allowed. I used auctioneer back in Vanilla all the way up to Legion when I switched to TSM (Which kinda sucks on Classic if I am being honest)
And no, its not “automation” in terms of what Blizzard classifies as autmation. It just makes posting easier. The only part that is “automated” is undercutting if items already exist in the AH, and that does not really fall under what Blizzard considers “automation”.