PS5 - The Struggle is Real

Anyone else having a real issue getting a PS5 due to Covid, working from home, scammers, and people hiking up the prices? Been attempting nearly 3 times a week since release to get one and continue to fail miserably. Once with Best Buy and Walmart, I actually had one in my cart but was unable to complete the order within 5 minutes of them being released because of being Sold Out.

I’m not quite sure I buy the reasoning as to why they can’t meet demand. They tend to do this quite often to create buzz and higher demand/interest. What are your thoughts?

You should cite your sources when you plagiarize like this.

I actually did originally but wouldn’t let me post links. I fixed it. :slight_smile:

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I wish this was a problem for me, I truly do. The problem is I own a stack of unplayed PS4 software six inches high and a PS4 console to play them on so…

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PS5 uses AMD architecture - both CPU and RDNA2, so they’re just as much in shortage as their PC components for the same reasons - silicon shortages and scalpers.

The silicon shortages is a combination of Covid scaling back production of gathering raw mats and fabbing, on top of Nvidia, AMD, Sony, and Microsoft dropping their respective products in the same time frame… not to mention car MFGRs needing chips for their vehicles as well.

It took a week to get mine when I started looking; I kept tabs on Twitter feeds announcing when which retailer was dropping. I caught the drop from Target and from that point it was just a race thru checkout. The store I picked it up from released it an hour before opening, so I had to do it online. I made sure I was logged in with my all my info saved and ready.


There’s shortages for lots of things right now. Lumber prices are through the roof, the used car market is insane, anything technology related is seemingly out of stock. That’s just the world right now unfortunately.

Intel/AMD/Nvidia/MS/Sony/Nintendo are selling products as fast as they can make them. If they could ramp up production anymore they would. If you want a console your best bet is to get as many trackers going as you can through twitter or websites like nowinstock. That and in store pickup through Target/Best Buy/ Wal Mart are going to be your best chance.

I got one about a month ago just got lucky and read a post about bestbuy getting them in stock which was the same time I had a cancelled CC but needless to say I was able to order it after borrowing one and getting the order in after 20 mins because the site was so slow and I read it was out of stock 15 mins before that.

I’m not impressed by it though, prob used it more watching Marvel shows/movies though Disney plus on it then gaming. Then reading about controller issues that may happen to it…

Yeaaah, with that and Xbox using the same CPU architecture as PCs now, finding distinct games is getting harder as most of the mainstream titles have simultaneous releases on all three platforms. I could only recommend PS5 if you either enjoy underground games or JRPGs that are only found on it, or have friends that only play on that platform.

I have also been wondering who are they getting their joysticks from. Sony, MS, and Nintendo all have the issue :frowning:

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