Feral druid prowl (possibly other specs, and prowl in general), doesnt work in PVP often. This means in battlegrounds after some gameplay, im unable to go prowl the entire rest of the battlegrounds even without being combat ( i am able to mount up). Same thing happens in soloshuffle, where sometimes after a round i am unable to prowl (stealth) for remaining rounds.
Resto druid here. Same problem.
Happened maybe 7-8 times to me now, always a few rounds into a shuffle. Will be unable to prowl the rest of the match, and cannot shadowmeld into stealth. Seemingly, it isn’t a combat issue.
Another feral I know is reporting that it happens to him in blitz games as well. Mid-game the button will just darken and become unable to be pressed.
Yes exactly, had that full same issue. Blizzard responded to someone else saying “there is no prowl bug”. So hopefully we can get some attention to this.
I have two Twitch clips here showing the bug:
In the first clip above, you can see my weakaura confirm leaving combat once the round ends. At the beginning of the next round, the prowl icon is darkened, and is unable to be used.
After the gates open, I toss 2 lifeblooms and then cast a regrowth. After, I attempt to prowl, but it does not work. I then try to use my shadowmeld/prowl macro, which includes a !nocombat condition for for casting prowl.
Clip 2, same thing. The round ends, the weakaura confirms exiting combat. The next round the prowl icon is darkened, and unable to be pressed. This continues until the end of the shuffle match, so 3 rounds of being unable to stealth.
I cannot cast prowl in the spell book when this happens. I cannot type /cast prowl to activate the skill when this happens.
I cannot find any common factors between the 2 clips that would cause the skill to bug out.
EDIT: Note that the prowl icon on my action bar doesn’t highlight as it’s a macro with a #showtooltip condition, not the actual skill itself. However, the regular icon is still darkened if I place it on my action bars.
EDIT 2: /reload doesn’t work either. I’ve also mentioned in a post further down that I did a full reinstall, deleted WTF/cache/interface folders, and used a console command to reset cvars AND STILL GOT THE BUG.
Same here, it usually happens a round or two into SS or after the first death in blitz. Nothing in particular seems to cause it. I have tried disabling/updating all addons and no help. Its not a combat bug, I cant meld it. The button is just greyed out as if I dont have the ability. It just started happening after last weeks patch. Happy to stream some solo for any Dev’s out there wanting to see it in real time.
With 0 addons enabled, you were still getting the bug?
Bump, this bug still exists.
yeah without addons it happened to me asweell. Also got a bug with incarn restealth now after this reset
Love to hear it… PVP is basically unplayable for a handful of druids now.
this is an outrage fix this asap
Reinstalled my game, deleted WTF/cache/interface folders, used “/console cvar_default” and have ZERO addons installed – STILL getting this bug in pvp matches, including solo shuffles lobbies. Randomly cannot prowl for the rest of the match.
It’s been a couple days but this has happened several times to me too. The only way I could fix it was either using Incarnation during which the prowl icon would light back up and be usable again or just letting people kill me then it’d be working again on respawn.
Ohh okay, that didnt work for me. It would still be bugged even after respawn.
Can’t speak on any fixes for shuffle lobbies. Guess I can intentionally die and see if prowl works next round… As far as I know, tree of life doesn’t enable prowl but I haven’t checked.
I have tested a bunch, and think it might be the “focusing lens” embellishment that causes it to bug out
I do not use that embellishment. A few of my druids have the ascendance weapon embellishment, and a few have the energy redistribution beacon embellishment.
and they bugged out too?
All my druids with embellishments bug out. I am currently testing running 0 embellishments in solo shuffle lobbies, will report back.
0 embellishments, still getting the bug. Big sad.
Yeah okay, i have no clue why it bugs out then. I have a feral mate that has never gotten the bug, and we seems to be running the same build and everything. He uses Ascension embellishment.