[Proudmoore][A/H]<Shadow Kitties> LGBTQ+ Guild Mythics, Raiding, Social

Hello everyone! :purple_heart:

We’re a fairly small NA guild that is open to more members! We want to offer a safe space for people who just want to be themselves without fear of judgment. While we are a queer guild, anyone can join so long as they’re respectful and kind to others.

While many of us mostly do Raids and Mythic dungeons together, we’re also open to people who want to do other stuff.


Most of this section is unchanged from last time.

Being queer is not a requirement, but you must at least be LGBTQ+ friendly. Bigoty is not tolerated. We accept all experience levels, as we’re willing to help newer players out. We do Mythic dungeons and raiding, but we always try to be patient and help each other out whenever we’re struggling. Kindness and patience are far more important to us than skill or gear.

Raiding Schedule

We currently do Heroic raids every Sunday at 6:30PM EST, and Normal raids every Saturday at the same time.

Anyone of any class can join, but we currently need more healers for raids and Mythic dungeons. We are also in need of Mages and Demon Hunters. That all said any class/role is perfectly fine to join!

How to Join

Simply a post on this thread! If you seem like a good fit, one of us will give you an in-game and Discord invite!

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Hello! Myself and some friends are very interested in joining! We are all LBGTQ friendly and 18+. Just a few social discord voice chat users looking to level new toons somewhere and make some new friends! HMU on discord: wigglehugs