[PROUDMOORE] Weekend raiding guild recruiting for MYTHIC PROGRESSION

WAFFLES is recruiting skilled DPS and Healers for Mythic progression! We are 9/9 H and 1/9 M and currently fighting the roster boss. Our guild is made up of veteran players, we are all adults but still kids at heart here. We value friendship and having fun above all else and do our best to make all new comers feel welcome and included.

Our raid times are Friday and Saturday 8pm - 11pm PST (server time)
We also run and push keys nearly every night.

Highest recruit priority: Ranged DPS (warlock, mage, priest) and Healers (druid, shaman, priest). All are welcome and considered for raid (we have too many ret paladins though… just saying lol)

BNET - TokyoGirl#1992
DISCORD - TokyoGirl#2034