-Proudmoore- Looking for a guild for dragonflight

Hi I am looking for a guild to do dragonflight content with and raid since that is what I want to do. I will be doing keys daily to get equpiment.

Are you open to a realm transfer? If so, my guild is looking for more. My guild Legalize Peacebloom [A] - Whisperwind, a newly formed guild whose core members have been AOTC every tier since legion. We consist of players of all types, from hardcore veterans, to returning players, to the brand new raiders checking out the scene for the first time. We sometimes dip our toes in a little mythic raiding, but our focus is AOTC and Mythic +'s. We have a strong Mythic+ community, so if that’s your thing, come check us out. We only ask that you be respectful of the people around you. We’re mostly all in our 30’s and enjoy a good laugh, but when it’s time to raid, it’s time to raid. We are a new guild looking to expand our ranks and our community. We currently have people running keys from 2s to 22s, and will be raiding Friday and Saturday 8-1030pm est come DF. If you’re interested let me know. My discord is Arriesa#9139. I look forward to chatting with you.


ok ill add you to see whats up

Hey there Airfrogtoad, going to drop our recruitment thread below for you to check out. We are a one night a week raid team that will focus on a more casual, but organized raid environment. All we ask is 3 hours of your week for some fun and boss kills. Give the thread a read and reach out if you have any questions or interest. Best of luck in your search :slight_smile:

ok I will look into it

Pristine is a newly formed guild, that was based off the idea of being a reroll guild. A majority of us are on during the evenings, and we’re mainly a PST guild with some smatterings in between. We’re focused on being a social guild, where you can find people to chill with, or run some content, new or old.

We’re doing fated normal raids for the slime cat for season 4, going into DF we plan to raid normal as well, and may dabble in heroic if there is enough interest.

Feel free to reach out if you feel we may be a good fit!