Protip: Rejuv still won't be used

Wtf is this change? Did they wake up, see that no one has Rejuv on their bars, then decide to buff it by such a small amount that no one will continue to use it? Is this just a raid buff? Please say yes.

We obviously don’t need all these spells. Figure it out Blizzard, do better.

Likely just a raid buff, as Resto Druid isn’t hurting at all in M+.


Hey now, it’s on my bar.

I mean, it might be good again in another expansion, and it’s been the same keybind since Wrath of the Lich King, sooooo

I’ll use in in heroic dungeons. I don’t know of any reason not to.

Since restos doing fine in keys but still a bit behind(for a pure thorough-put healer) in raids it probably is just intended as a raid buff.

I think someone mathed it out to be about a ~4% overall buff in raid based on their logs so its not bad, little late in the season though, probably should have come out with the mana reworks a few weeks ago.

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I use Rejuv all the time in M+


What’s your M+ spec for Resto? Also do you pug keys or no?

I think Rejuv might just be lackluster in hectic pugs. I recently did a key with friends and I was able to use spells again because it just wasn’t as hectic.

Granted, I don’t main resto so my rating isn’t that high.
Feral I’m at 3166
Resto I’m at 1882
That’s mainly because I only heal when our other healers aren’t available
Highest I’ve done so far on resto is a 23 (which we didn’t time for whatever reason)
Did a 2 chest 22 though so…

Granted, Rejuv doesn’t tick for that much, but I like having it there as a mastery multiplier or for swiftmend. There’s plenty of time to get rejuvs on folks between trash packs and I can otherwise manage my mana well enough I don’t usually have to stop and drink unless something goes off the rails.

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same here! use it all the time in M+

i love it for the same reasons you do! plus - if you are specced into nature’s vigil, it’s a great way to amplify your dps when you flourish.

and no i don’t experience mana issues.


I don’t pug, so part of your experience might be just that the groups aren’t kicking and are getting hit by avoidable damage.

I use it, in classic and SOD.