Prot/Fury warrior lfg

601/602 prot/fury warrior lf guild that raids and does keys. Tired of pugging things, and would like to find a home.

Hi AEres, “Insanity Raiding” (18+) is in need of a tank for our T/W 7:45-10pm EST raid. We had to pug one last night, and unfortunately Stormrage server went offline right after we killed the 1st boss on normal, so we couldn’t continue, and plan to do so tonight. We are a large Casual Progressive, but not everyone in our guild raids. Guildies also do M+ (no scheduled days on calendar, members post keys in g-chat), delves, TWs, some pvp (bgs- non-rated), trasmog, pet, mount runs, questing, etc. We also have a number of members aged 50+ in our guild. If we sound like the perfect home for you, and you would like to join us, I will advise you to go through guild-finder (Raid tab, not Social) and apply directly to “insanity Raiding”, since my WIM doesn’t always pick up unusual spellings in names for invites. Hope to have you join our family!