Protection Warrior Rage Generation Nerfs

So with the buffs to dmg on the PTB the issue becomes you are still rage starved if you are Colossus and there are peroids of down time where you dont want to use filler DPS like slam due to how tight rage is. They just need to lighten up on the bigger rage generation nerfs and nerf a little at a time rather than nerfing so many forms of rage generation. But lets be honest. They shouldnt be nerfing Prot warrior but instead they should be focused on buffing the leather using tanks.

So Warriors have to now spec into talents they didn’t take in order to get back SOME of the rage you took from them?


Sorry Wars

To be fair, you probably don’t use Slam as Prot, instead using revenge since it can reset shield slam and Slam does not.

It feels like Blizzard is also trying to keep us from taking Devastator, instead insisting on using Devastate for filler again.

AFAIK no changes to talents will happen. Colossus warriors are getting back 3 rage per shield slam via precision strikes. Still net -1 due to losing 4 on Impenetrable Wall.

Talent tree is so bloated that the end result is taking Bloodsurge OR Instigate depending on the content being played (like it currently is)

Sorry I do mean filler in general Slam/Revenge while Ive been playing arms as my main spec Ive been prot tanking as an off spec for this expansion. Both Colossus.

Nah, the optional talents won’t even come close to giving us enough rage. And worse, it would give us a higher APM if we didn’t take devastator.

Blizzard, please realize // admit you have instituted changes to a spec that you did not need to touch.

The changes today are an effort to support your shoddy ideas, and when taken comprehensively, your “update” to prot war is a net nerf.

Revoke all the changes you are doing, we beg.

Blizzard doesn’t actually take feedback, they wait for patches to go live and wait another month or two to make adjustments. Tale as old as time. These forums are kind of an outlet for testers to get out their grievances…but that is about it.

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