Protection Warrior 11.1 PTR Feedback

Hello, all. I would like to give feedback regarding the current changes for the 11.1 PTR for Protection Warrior. I think the current changes to the class don’t quite meet the mark of either improving the quality of the class, or adjusting it after the nerfs that have been made. I will go through both sets of patch notes we have recieved to give my thoughts on how to improve the state of the spec - keeping in mind the mission goal stated and the current state of the class. This is partially from the angle of someone who plays at a more casual level (AOTC and weekly 10 and below keys), but shouldn’t be too different past that point.

    • Protection (19th of December)

Developers’ notes: Protection Warriors are currently constantly flooded with Rage which undermines rotational defensive decision-making and encourages constant dumping of Rage into Ignore Pain to maximize effectiveness. We’re taking a pass at reducing Protection’s overall Rage generation to make decisions on when and how to spend it more meaningful, without reducing Protection Warriors’ ability to tank effectively.

The class certainly has moments like this - and where it stands right now, Ignore Pain simply exists as a button that does two things: Grants the Ignore Pain effect, and allows you to spend 35 rage. We have quite a lot of talents that cause us to gain a benefit from spending rage, and I think that is a key important part of what keeps the gameplay engaging. However, I don’t believe that the decisions we have to make are best telegraphed, either. We currently have four abilities to spend rage on - Shield Block, Ignore Pain, Revenge and Execute. These all have their own uses (which is important), but for a character new to the specialisation they may feel that they should prioritise keeping rage spent on Ignore Pain and Shield Block over using their offensive abilities and may feel that they cannot make the choice to use their offensive abilities.

  • Chance to reset the cooldown of Shield Slam from Devastator and Strategist reduced to 20% (was 30%).

While the current state of the class will certainly have moments where (as Mountain Thane especially) you may have moments of Shield Slam reseting back to back to back letting you press it three or four times in succession, I personally think this change was too aggressive in what it meant to tone down, and misproportionately affects the whole spec for what could in part just be an issue with Mountain Thane. I strongly believe that the Burst of Power talent for Mountain Thane is much more problematic and would be better if that would recieve the nerf over Strategist (or at least for some of the nerf to be split between the two.)

If this change is set in stone and can’t be changed no matter what, Shield Slam’s base cooldown desperately needs to be looked into. With 30% haste on retail this sits at around 7 seconds, and on the PTR there are moments where you will sit the full 7 seconds not getting a reset, which is problematic when the core gameplay of the class relies around Shield Slam. Bringing it down by roughly a second and a half would help bridge this gap better - Random procs for players new to the spec aren’t always easy to react to, but a clear cooldown being a certain length is something you can plan around.

It can’t go without saying, either, that Shield Slam is our main source of Single Target damage, and this change more or less amounts to a 33% nerf to it.

  • Impenetrable Wall no longer increases Rage generated by Shield Slam.

I think this change is quite heavy handed in combination with the changes to Shield Slam already made. It’s alternative on the choice node does offer an option of a more active and more passive playstyle option, but without changes for this talent it will struggle to find a reason to be played - If the rage generation is being removed from the node, adding something else to it would help equalise it. Maybe increasing the cooldown reduction to compensate for the nerf made Strategist, or adding another effect to be reduced (Last Stand could be an option) - or even a damage modifier - I think this could do with another look into what could be done to balance the two choices against each other.

  • Booming Voice causes Demoralizing Shout to generate 20 Rage (was 30).
  • Champion’s Bulwark no longer increases the Rage generated by Shield Charge.

These are both pretty standard changes that are just number changes. I think losing more burst rage choices isn’t perfect, but these are already value nodes with their own benefits, too.

  • Violent Outburst has been rebuilt to be easier to understand and track progress towards the next Outburst. Additional Rage generated from Violent Outburst reduced to 50% (was 100%).

This, to me, is a bit of a shame, as I think the Violent Outburst Minigame when it was first added in the Shadowlands Tier Set represented a really potent minigame in which playing it ‘correctly’ would give an awesome moment where you could get 60 Rage from Shield Slam - and now it has been reduced from 200% all the way down to 50% increased rage. With the combination of nerfs to rage sources, and nerfs to the buff too, this could do with a much lower cost of rage to gain the proc. I think something worth considering is making the amount of additional rage a flat proc, if the percentage is this low, to make the two options of spending Outburst to be more focused on the damage buff, if the rage buff will be minimal between them.

  • Shield Wall cooldown reduced to 3 minutes (was 3.5 minutes).
  • Amount of damage ignored from each use of Ignore Pain increased by 30%.

These certainly seem a targetted effort to make up for the loss of rage to push into Anger Management / Ignore Pain, but I think they feel pretty flat and boring comparatively. The current amount of rage / Ignore Pain we will no longer be spending will not be made up for by these buffs, and could be tweaked further.

  • Colossus
  • Colossal Might is no longer applied by Execute.
  • Developers’ notes: Using your hard-hitting rotational ability regularly is core to the Colossus playstyle, and Execute applying Colossal Might pushed Colossus away from that during Execute phases.

This feels like a change that was just copied over from Arms without a single thought for how it works for Protection. During Execute, Execute IS your hardest-hitting rotational ability, even without using any talents to buff it! It deals ~350% more damage than Shield Slam does - and we will never pass up pressing Shield Slam to cast Execute! This single handedly feels like one of the most negligent changes made - all because of the fact that it fundementally ignores how the spec functions. Colossus is already on a weaker footing to Mountain Thane due to the differences in rage generation, please don’t make it worse.

  • Protection (15th of January)
    • Developers’ notes: As we continue to iterate on improving Protection Warriors’ rotation and Rage economy, we’re making adjustments to several talents to account for those rotational changes and feedback from testing.

I am glad that these changes are being listed as ongoing, because I think they need a lot more attention. These changes below listed I don’t think are actually better than the current playstyle, but it is better than being in the state we were from the last build.

  • All ability damage increased by 5%.
  • Shield Slam damage increased by 20%.
  • Brace for Impact stacks up to 3 times (was 5), and grants 10% Shield Slam damage and shield block value by 5% (was 5% Shield Slam damage and 3% shield block value).

These changes together probably help make up for the gulf made by nerfing Strategist’s reset rate. I think reverting the nerf partially to Strategist still wouldn’t go amiss here. I find the change to Brace for Impact confusing, but it does end up with more Damage and lets you hit your stronger side quicker. I assume there may have been players who struggled to keep this buff up before, or found it punishing during downtime.

  • Punish reduces damage the punished target deals to you by 4% (was 2%).

Punish was looking in a sore spot after the Strategist nerf. This is a nice change.

  • Bloodsurge has had its chance to trigger increased significantly and generates 5 Rage (was 3).
  • Instigate causes Devastator to generate 2 Rage (was 1).

This seems to be a choice to increase passive rage generation while making our active rage generation weaker. Depending on the numbers on this, this could in theory make up for some of our lost burst rage and make it more predictable on when you might cap rage. I think it might however be more worth moving the Devastator effect onto the baseline spell itself, rather than on instigate (or make Instigate MUCH stronger for rage generation), as Bloodsurge is probably always going to be better in most forms of content.

  • Colossus
    • Practiced Strikes increases Rage generated by Shield Slam by 3.

This change should have come in a lot earlier. But Colossus was hit very hard by the nerfs, moreso than Mountain Thane, so this could go well to equalise the choices. I think more iteration can be done on how to balance them by either giving Colossus access to either a little more rage or options for passive damage reduction somewhere.

  • Mountain Thane
    • Avatar of the Storm has a chance to grant 6 seconds of Avatar (was 4 seconds).

This is fine. It helps make up for the damage loss from some of the nerfs, without being obnoxious in it’s implementation.

Undermine(d) Tier Set Bonus


  • (2) Set: Each time you take damage you have a chance to activate Luck of the Draw! causing you to cast Shield Wall for 4 seconds. Your damage done is increased by 15% for 10 seconds after Luck of the Draw! activates.
    (4) Set: During Luck of the Draw! Shield Slam’s chance to critically strike is increased by 50% and its critical strikes reduce the cooldown of Shield Charge by 6 seconds.

This one seems quite disappointing across the board - having a role specific 2 set is disappointing itself, and the effect itself is not super engaging - a Random proc of our major defensive from damage taken which increases our damage isn’t super fun. I don’t know the best option for this across all tanks but I think something more deterministic would be desirable.

The 4 set is specific to the spec, and it still isn’t great. We have 10 seconds of the buff where we want to get in as many Shield Slams as we can - and we have to hope that we get a favourable roll on how many we crit for Cooldown Reduction on Shield Charge. I think there are three things that could combine to make this better:

  1. Increase the Duration of Luck of the Draw! to allow us to make use of the buff. 10 seconds is really not that long.
  2. Increase Shield Slam’s Critical Strike chance to 100% during this window. The idea is nice, and it gives something fun to Colossus. Why not go all the way?
  3. Change Critical Strikes on Shield Slam to all casts, and adjust the Cooldown Reduction as necessary. We generally enjoy Cooldown Reduction and it would feel bad to miss out on it from bad RNG.

This also really feels a strain after our nerfs to Strategist.

Suggestions moving forward

I think it is quite clear that the design direction is shifting towards using rage in Ignore Pain less. But we are currently in a position where we will be using all our other abilties less, too.

We are the only tank with abilities that are purely only offensive - comparing Revenge and Execute to Maul and Raze - the roles they serve for their specs are quite similar, but Maul / Raze have the extra benefit of being able to provide Guardian Druids with a very sizeable absorb shield if talented. Currently, all Revenge and Execute can offer on defense are their chances to reset Shield Slam, and spending 20-40 rage for Anger Management - which is very similar to the Gore! effect for Guardian, and their Ursoc’s Guidance talent.

Shadowlands offered Warriors from the Venthyr Covenant Condemn as a replacement to Execute - this was very popular with DPS warriors, but barely picked by Protection as it offered quite a weak effect comparatively. That being said, a design idea that wasn’t really touched too much on was the defensive element of Condemn. Perhaps in a world where we are using Ignore Pain less, it would make more sense to give some level of defensive application for Revenge / Execute. This would give Warrior a nice niche in raids that has come up before - that of a tank that has it’s own potent execute potential.

Anger Management will also suffer due to these changes, which has previously been a defining part of the warrior playstyle - the faster you can cycle it, the stronger you become - so slowing that down feels disappointing. Maybe some number tweaks could happen to it to mitigate it. With the choice of trying to slow down the spamming nature of the playstyle, I wonder if there is not also room for trying to make an Anger Management ‘alternative’ - similar to Spiteful Serenity for Arms or Reckless Abandon for Fury which could either look at increasing Avatar / Shield Wall uptime or granting shorter bursts of empowered abilities, to help players who might struggle with keeping up with a faster paced playstyle.

We could possibly do with a second parse on talent choices, as we have had very little change since Dragonflight launched. There are older effects from previous versions of the class like the Vengeance Talent - that allowed Ignore Pain to buff Revenge Damage and Revenge to reduce Ignore Pain’s cost - which would incentivise more rotational changes over trying to spam Ignore Pain. There were also similar talents that could allow Ignore Pain to increase our Damage through Enraging, or the old Focused Rage mechanic.

We have the Talent Brutal Vitality which causes 10% of our damage to be added to an active Ignore Pain - and our Tier 1 Dragonflight Set bonus could also give us a buff that granted us an Ignore Pain absorb based on our damage. This could be an angle as well to allow us to use more offensive spenders in lieu of using Ignore Pain less.

I think any of our talents that are based on spending rage could do with a numbers adjustment to compensate for our lost rage, too. Talents like Shield Specialisation, Enduring Alacrity and Focused Vigor also feel comparatively boring, and are almost always taken due to their value - could they not just be added baseline and make room for choices that are more meaningful?

I will add more to this thread as we get changes.


just revert the nerfs, they literally make no sense when you start patch notes with we like the current state of warriors, but…


The nerfs need to be reverted - the spec doesn’t need to be changed - we need utility buffs and slight cleaning of talent trees, not an awful attempt at a rework.

Blizzard, what are you thinking with these changes to prot warrior?

Why ignore Brewmaster?

Why ignore prot pally meta?



Paladin is the most played class, keeps the subs up so they are never going to straight “nerf” them.

No one on the team plays warrior (and if they do they should be embarrassed or they don’t quite have object permanence yet)

Brew is in the same bracket of no one on their team actually plays one outside of leveling to 60 and quitting or running a +4 on a premade toon once.

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Its unreal. Its like they dont want people to play the game. They try so hard to make it not fun.

Bumping this post as it deserves to be read.

Blizzard, repeal these changes!

Biggest issue right now is Blizzard is ignoring the warrior feedback. No one and I do mean no one who has tested the PTB has come back and said the changes are fine. These changes are universally hated as you are taking the tank with some of the least utility and nerfing both the Defensive Aspects and the Offensive Aspects and even the fun of the class to slow it down massively. And why? That is the logic behind it. If warriors were Meta/King of the Tanks right now I could see the nerf as an acceptable thing but we are by no means the tank of choice. All this is going to do is hurt the M+ players and the overall fun of the spec. Not to mention it kills Colossus Prot Warrior and that hurts as its the spec Ive been playing since the start. They did not take Colossus into account at all and whoever said Execute needs to not proc Colossal Might needs to be fired as they dont understand or play a warrior at all. That much is very clear.


Patch Notes - 23rd January

  • Liberation of Undermine set bonus has been updated:
    • Luck of the Draw! duration increased to 12 seconds (was 10 seconds).

    • Shield Charge cooldown reduction increased to 12 seconds (was 6 seconds).

I can’t help but feel this change is a little heavy handed - forcing a bad game design to be competitive by sheer numbers. Granted, this CAN for a lucky player mean you COULD get some really high CDR on Shield Charge, but with Shield Slam still in a nerfed state in terms of cooldown, I think some numbers could still be tweaked on this. I would rather have the 30% reset chance on Shield Slam and have less cooldown reduction on Shield Charge.

Musing following the lack of changes
I can’t help but think that after looking at other tanks with the intention to reroll due to a lack of enjoyment that Warrior does have some strange quirks to it’s design that feel like they are straight out of classic. We have nothing flashy in terms of group utility, and once our best form of utility in Rallying Cry has been nerfed through the floor since Shadowlands.

Something worth considering from other tanks with a similar CD reseting mechanic (Gore for Guardian Druid, and Grand Crusader for Protection Paladin spring to mind) is that while these have similarly low rates to proc (both being 15%) - both of these effects come with another bonus. Gore will increase the rage generated by the next Mangle (probably the most apt comparison) and Grand Crusader will also reduce the cooldown of Judgement. If the design decision is dead set on Strategist going ahead as it is, I would perhaps consider one of these ideas to be added to Strategist too. I could see reducing Thunder Clap’s cooldown on proc to be a nice bonus that would help fill the empty globals we are currently faced with if we use Ignore Pain, or alternatively an extra bump of rage that has currently been taken out of Shield Slam will feel good too.

Demon Hunter is in a similar spot to Warrior of being a class that has no healing spec but offers a raid cooldown. Darkness is, strictly speaking, not as strong as Rallying Cry except on specific effects, but the disparity between the two is moot when noting that Darkness is buffed in 5 man content over raids. Rallying Cry in a dungeon being buffed would be another nice spot of utility that Warrior is currently lacking on for Dungeons - especially as we lack any form of hard CC.

Similarly, we have access to Intervene - which does have some incredibly powerful niche applications - but often can be quite weak in situations where we can’t intervene a specific ability. Storm Shield from Mountain Thane is nice in concept to address this, but the scaling on it is quite low. We also had access in older iterations of Protection Warrior to Safeguard, which would reduce the damage taken by our Intervene Target. I think some combination of these being tuned up can help shore up our group utility while not becoming overbearing.


It seems another change slipped through the net on dataminining.

Barbaric Training
Revenge deals 25% increased damage.but now costs 10 more rage.

I’m surprised it took this long to do something with this talent that was a never pick. This is a good choice, especially for Colossus. I think Revenge does need some love as it does get frequently passed over in the current Mountain Thane playstyle especially and having this for both Hero Talents is good - especially if we will be casting it more. I think some more attention could be given to playing with Revenge’s rage cost / free procs a little more to give us less downtime in our rotation - or another ability put on this node as the other warrior specialisations have this effect for Slam, Cleave and Whirlwind - which all do similar jobs to Revenge. I can’t help but wonder if perhaps Shield Slam, Thunder Clap or Execute could benefit from a similar damage bonus on this node. Still, this is an overall really good change.


Would be nice to hear from Blizzard. As still they are ignoring all warrior feedback on the issue. Nerfing Rage is one of the worst changes they have ever done as it kills the fun of Warrior. Nerfing both our DPS and Defensives at the same time. (Yes I know Warriors dont do DPS at the tank but you get what I mean)


Bluepost explaining rationale

Protection Warrior requires a very high APM to play currently, and we feel that the APM requirement is too high. High APM, especially from frequently pressing abilities that are off the GCD like Shield Block and Ignore Pain, can be uncomfortable or even painful for some players.

If this is a design choice that ultimately stems from the fact that the APM of the class is high, especially with the ability to dump rage into Ignore Pain off of the GCD and wanting to move more of our toolkit into using our GCDs, I would strongly consider looking a little deeper into how Ignore Pain can be modeled for the class moving forward, perhaps into a way that means we don’t need to press it as much. I don’t think increasing the amount on it is enough. I would suggest other ways to keep it up (maybe spending rage on other abilities can grant you a reduced effectiveness version so your offensive spenders feel better).

While this is subjective, I think the high APM of Protection Warrior since late Shadowlands has been really, really fun. Because of the way Anger Management functions, every single action your character can take makes you feel like you are getting stronger by rotating your Cooldowns back quicker and quicker and every global you can take helps further that goal. I would consider if there is a chance for preserving this through alternative talent options as many players are very positive on the current identity. I do wonder why it has taken until now to really flag any issues on this when the APM has been roughly the same from Dragonflight.

One of the culprits in driving APM up is high burst Rage generation which feeds into dumping excess Rage into Ignore Pain. This is what has driven many of the changes we’ve made, cutting down on burst Rage generation and moving more of it into steady sources so you should always have enough Rage for mitigation and your rotation, without frequently dumping excess into off-GCD abilities.

I think to make this feel okay, we need a much more predictable rage income which some of the talents we have will do some effort to. I’d consider returning to some of our on use rage modifiers like Inpenetrable Wall or looking at talents that either interactively or passively modify rage costs - I would strongly consider the Vengeance Talent ( as a model for how this can work.

The other major culprit is the frequency of Shield Slam resets via Devastator and Strategist. Not only is Shield Slam the primary source of Rage generation, Shield Slam is also the highest priority ability for Protection Warriors. The more time that Shield Slam is available, the less time you have to use procs like Revenge! and Sudden Death or spend excess Rage on Revenge. The previous 30% reset rate makes Shield Slam more prominent in the rotation than we’re happy with and leads to other procs stacking up and Rage accumulating while the Warrior is trying to keep up with their Shield Slam resets. This also puts more pressure on off-GCD abilities to serve as Rage dumps, as opposed to abilities like Revenge. We feel that reducing Shield Slam’s prominence in the rotation will allow for Revenge and other abilities to fill the rotation and serve to consume excess Rage.

This is a design choice I don’t agree with fundementally in the current design of the class - and this will ultimately leave us wanting for a better fleshed out rework later. If you want us to use other abilities like Revenge and Execute, we need the rage income to be high enough that we can afford to use these at least three times between Shield Slams! Thunder Clap in it’s current state for Protection does not generate enough rage to really consider it comparable to Shield Slam. For Mountain Thane, Thunder Blast makes up for this by generating more rage, and recieves a tonne of damage modifiers too. This is not the case for Colossus. I would really consider either a compensatory Rage buff somewhere for Colossus that isn’t on Shield Slam - Whether this could be on Demolish or reducing Revenge’s rage cost itself, or buffing rage from base Thunder Clap - it’s worth nothing that Thunder Clap for Colossus is quite underwhelming compared to it’s state as Mountain Thane.

Execute as well is in a somewhat neglected spot right now. In our current iteration, we can afford to dump 40 Rage back to back on Execute, but in our 11.1 design we don’t always have this. I would consider increasing the Execute refund on living targets, and / or reduction of it’s cost in line with the changes. This is something I would say is unique in Protection Warrior’s toolkit compared to other tanks where we have a prominent power spike below 20% health (or 35% if talented) and it really does add up. I would strongly advise, too, if we can keep our ability to create Colossal Might stacks from Execute, as we lose our ability to Shield Slam as often.

Both Revenge and Execute need to feel good in some capacity to fill the gap we will have from not being able to Shield Slam as often. Obviously, there is the option to slap 20% buffs on both of the buttons and that would probably make players happy enough. But some more careful thought onto making sure we have the availability to press these abilities and keep our GCDs full is going to be healthier overall.

We’re monitoring Protection’s performance, especially the tuning of Ignore Pain and total damage. The Rage income changes affect other talents like Anger Management, and we’re working to keep all aspects of Protection competitive following these changes.

I am glad that Anger Management’s loss here is not ignored. I would strongly consider making sure we can keep a similar cadence to Anger Management after the changes. Avatar’s ‘real’ cooldown being able to be somewhere between 30 and 45s is one of those things that makes Warrior feel very consistent and sturdy in dungeons - you always have something you can rotate out pack to pack, rather than focusing your strength into a large cooldown like Metamorphosis or Incarnation. Shield Wall similarly being in the 45-75 s range is a good ballpark - it’s a button that doesn’t doo much other than allow you to take less damage. I think second to this, keeping Violent Outburst roughly at it’s 20 second intervals is good - a moderate power spike every so often rather than a longer, bigger spike is preferrable. Indomitable’s self heal effect is one that is really nice for self reliance and while there has been a choice to keep tanks from having too high a level of self sustain, changing the co-efficient on this would be welcome to make up for the lost rage. I’m not sure what numbers you’d want to slap on this but keeping it competitive with it’s current state is important. With logs from the PTR, we can anticipate we are going to have somewhere between 25% and 35% less rage in our rotation, which will correlate with the above talents losing effectiveness.

I believe we may need a more extensive rework following these changes as it makes the overall experience of playing a lower quality than before. While I don’t want the class I enjoy to be unapproachable for players who are new to it, I don’t know if the new idea is going to be much easier. We are currently one of, if not, the only spec with an almost identical spec tree since Dragonflight Beta.


PTR Development Notes - 28th January

  • Barbaric Training no longer increases the Rage cost of Revenge.

This was datamined and I’m glad it’s really happening. We will definitely use Revenge a lot more after the tuning down of Shield Slam to fill our GCDs, so that will add up.

  • Execute damage increased by 10%.

This is good, too. I think we could use something more than just some more damage on Execute, but equally, this is worthwhile to make Execute worth pressing. During Shadowlands Season 3 and 4 we were able to crank out some insane damage during Execute and giving this back to us is always welcome.

  • Frothing Berserker now has a chance to refund 50% of the Rage spent on Revenge (was 25%).

This was unexpected. But this is a really good change - this makes investing into offense feel good and incentivises away from spamming Ignore Pain mindlessly. The Refund mechanic plays well for Anger Management and Violent Outburst, too. I would consider adding Execute to this - or buffing Execute’s own built in self refund.

These are good and well placed changes to deal with the issues we may be facing. I would consider still looking at talents like Anger Management a bit closer as well as what else our offensive spenders (Revenge / Execute) can offer.

Our Revenge! proc on parried attacks is something that does currently get ignored by Mountain Thane Warriors in particular, but it is quite useful for Colossus Warriors who use the ability often. After our changes, both specs will be more reliant on using Revenge, so I would consider adjusting this proc to be more in line with similar effects (Sudden Death and Tooth and Claw) which both have longer proc uptimes (12 and 14 seconds respectively) and can stack up to two times. Mountain Thane will still have moments where it can reliably ‘ping-pong’ between Shield Slam and Thunder Clap thanks to Burst of Power and Unstoppable Force making these spells available more frequently, and being able to bank the procs instead of waste them would feel better - especially as we could in theory do the same with Sudden Death.

I would also consider changing the PPM on Revenge! to be slightly more frequent, or to scale with either Haste (the usual stat that PPM tends to scale with) or maybe Critical Strike, as this does increase our parry chance. Theoretically, the right amount of procs of this effect will help smooth over the gaps in our rotation that will appear when we used to have a higher amount of Shield Slams.

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Hello! We’ve continued to monitor feedback and PTR data, and we want to provide an update on Protection Warrior development.

As noted previously, our goal with the Protection Warrior changes is to bring the APM requirement of the spec down to reduce the performance gap the high APM creates.

We initially made significant adjustments to both burst and sustained Rage generation, as well as Shield Slam resets via Devastator and Strategist. We’ve since made adjustments as we fix bugs and evaluate the actual outcome of the changes versus our expectations.

Now that most of the dust has settled, we feel that we overshot the initial nerf to Shield Slam reset chance. In next week’s PTR build, it will be increased to 25%. After playing with this change, we feel that this gets Protection Warrior to where we want it to be-- an active and engaging playstyle without the rotation being dominated by too-frequent Shield Slam resets.

Thank you for your helpful feedback.

We’ll continue make tuning adjustments as needed.

This change to Strategist is probably the second best change that could have been made - second only to reverting the nerf entirely. This in theory will let us Shield Slam roughly every 4 globals which is a healthy balance in the playstyle - a difference of 5% will feel much less damning than 10%. I daresay we may come out of this tuning in a better spot overall than we entered it. There are a few areas that I think could use some short term attention in lieu of a proper overhaul;

  • Execute is still an outlier in Rage Economy compared to Revenge

Execute currently requires investing twice as much rage per cast as Revenge does. Thankfully, Execute does a lot more damage than Revenge does until we are fighting more than 5 targets, but it is a much higher investment. In theory, during an Execute phase, between Shield Slams and Thunder Claps, we would need to spend twice the rage we normally would outside of Execute. Either reducing the rage cost or increasing the refund value could help with this. It’s a spell Warrior is lucky to have in it’s spellbook as Protection, and I think using it more should be rewarded.

  • Impenetrable Wall has suffered greatly from overnerfing

We currently have no real reason to take this talent right now. We will get more Wall uptime from Defender’s Aegis in all situations. I think having a talent that rewards active play (Impenetrable Wall) and a talent that has a lower ceiling but a higher floor (Defender’s Aegis) is incredibly healthy by design. I think it is quite clear by design that there should be some balancing between what each talent does and that having one offer rage while the other did not was not good design, but Impenetrable Wall needs some compensation badly to even worth looking at. I would strongly consider increasing the reduction to 8 or more seconds per Shield Slam cast.

  • Colossus needs Execute to be more integrated, not less

Colossal Might for Protection simply just isn’t as easy to generate as it is for Arms. Arms can use Unhinged, Sweeping Strikes and a lower CD on Mortal Strike that can reset to cycle Demolish faster than Protection can. That is okay in a vacuum, but with the loss of Execute for Colossal Might, in Single Target Protection is entirely at the mercy of Shield Slam to stack up Colossal Might between Demolishes. Our Tier Set will help this, and a few lucky critical strikes outside of this mean that we can probably reliably build a 10 stack Demolish every 45s, but it could fall apart easily with only five seconds of down time. Either we need another way to build Colossal Might in Single Target, or this really needs to be added back onto Execute for Protection.

  • Storm Shield is going to fall behind in numbers

Storm Shield for Mountain Thane simply does not scale high enough in respect to health numbers and next season that chasm will grow. I would consider making it scale to something like 5-10% of our maximum health for something more meaningful. This could be something specific for Protection if it is deemed as too strong for Fury.

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