Protection: Starter Build?

Good day! I was hoping to venture into new territory, as a 30th level Protection paladin (on retail version). Just to test the waters, I’ve attempted to fill the tanking role in some of the Follower dungeons using the Starter talent build.

Prior to the latest patch, the build used Blessed Hammer(?). Whatever the older build used, I had used it one time to fill in where a tank bailed from the group in a pick up dungeon. I managed to hold aggro reasonably well with it, especially given that it was my first attempt to tank in unfamiliar dungeon.

Anyhow, since the latest patch, the Starter talent build is no longer using Blessed Hammer(?) as the main aggro tool. Again, I’ve only tested the newer build in a handful of Follower dungeons with the basic follower NPCs filling in for the group. I’m having just about all of the NPCs peeling aggro from me right and left, though. Being this inadequate, there’s no way that I’d even consider using it a real group scenario. The Follower dungeons are all easy enough that none of the NPCs are really taking much damage, but I’m reasonably certain that it’s me doing it all wrong here. I had read that a lot of paladins preferred not using Blessed Hammer at all and my guess is that they managed to tank just fine.

I’m unsure how to link the exact Starter talent build for the 30th level Protection paladin, but I’d greatly appreciate it if anyone might clue me in on how Protection paladins manage to hold aggro without using Blessed Hammer(?). I wouldn’t mind straying from the Starter build here, but I’m most specifically wondering what other tools might be available at lower levels to hold aggro reasonably well with multiple mobs. I have zero complaints for single target aggro here, but that wouldn’t be what is expected in any real group scenario. Any feedback and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I’m not a Prot Pally main. But I did recently level one to 80. If you haven’t done so already, I’d recommend checking out Prot Paladin leveling guides by Wowhead or Icyveins. They usually provide a build that is viable for questing and doing dungeons. I’ve also taken a look at some Mythic+ builds as a second opinion. Hope this helps and good luck!

Prot feels good leveling. Just make sure to take all damwge reduction talents in the tree and almost any build could work. Not a prot main so cant really link you a build but the highlights of a first time prot pala are quite sinple like

Take divine toll, divine purpose, sanctified plates, dusk and dawn in the class tree

Blessed hammer, Ardent defender(its upgrade too), sentinel, eye of tyr and all the capstones down below the tree that reduce cooldowns on major defensives like ardent, divine shield, lay on hands and guardiant of the ancient kings.

Overall prot is a good leveling tank, shouldnt struggle to hold aggro and has very strong healing. I find it much more fun than brewmaster monk for sure.

Where exactly are you reading this? Blessed Hammer is still the preferred choice. It’s not used for agro generation though so I’m not sure where you are getting that from either. It’s purpose is to generate Holy Power and trigger minor damage mitigation.

Avenger’s Shield + Shield of the Righteous.

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