I’m currently working on the “Mecha-Done” achievement and wanted to share a suggestion. While I really really really appreciate the challenge, I find the drop rate for the blueprint to be quite low. I very very very very enjoy completing this as a daily activity while I watch my favorite TV shows. However, I believe it would greatly enhance the experience if game designers could implement a protection period for rare monsters when they spawn. Given that our levels are significantly higher than these rare creatures, we can smash them like Thanos snaps his finger. I strongly recommend that when a rare monster spawns, it should have a 10-second protection period. This would give all players a chance to engage with the rare and claim loot, ensuring a fair opportunity for everyone involved.
This would be a nice change. Like a 5-10 second immunity bubble where our attacks at least “tag” the rare before it melts.
Exactly. However, I’m unsure why Blizzard made this decision and has yet to implement it.