Hi all,
Now that the cross-realm arena is available, I can finally feel the need to come back to my home region, Oce!
I am a Prot warrior MS, Arms/Fury OS on both my below warriors.
Here are the details below:
Orc (My main) Ezysqueezy - Faerlina:
4808 GS as Tank
4782 GS as Dps -
Human (My alt) Ezysqueezy - Benediction:
4561 GS as Tank
4365 GS as Dps
I’ve always been organizing pugs for 10mans and joining 25man GDKPs on the weekends, but now I’m over raiding on the weekends and want to look towards raiding sometime on the weekdays between mon-thurs at 4pm-6pm ST starting time and cut off being 9pm ST.
I know all the Hardmode fights as a Tank and DPS, haven’t attempted Algalon but I do watch streams/videos of the fights so I am well aware of the mechanics and how the fight works.
Please message me on my discord: EzySqueezy#8521
I will also be keeping my eye out on this post.
Thanks all,