Prot with Mast/Vers?

I know the stats we’re supposed to aim for are haste/Mastery. I understand the need for both. But if we wanted to be tankier, wouldnt mastery/vers also be viable, as it further reduces damage received? Is there a downside to focusing on vers over haste?

You could theoretically make it work up to a certain difficulty level, but the reason Paladins value Haste so much is because it reduces the CD of Holy Power generation abilities. SoTR is required to be maintained and bumps our armor’s damage reduction from like 45% to something like 70+% physical damage reduction.

It also of course reduces the CD of all of our other Defensive CDs and lets us use 2+ per pull and not run out unless things go sideways. No amount of damage reduction from Vers will cover how much our defensives do.

Haste also reduces GCD which is needed to use our abilities faster in succession and avoid dying between globals.

We always get some vers from like tier sets, but we shouldn’t be targeting it.

So, you’re telling me that haste lowers the amount of time something like Ardent Defender comes off cooldown? What about divine shield? Kings of the Ancients?

Mastery increases block chance along damage reduction while standing in consecration. It also reduces DoT damage.

Block chance increase is the highest value from our mastery since can block spells.

How ever. As a tank in the current game, haste has higher value due to it allowing us to get our main mitigation skill up faster, and prolonging it’s duration. I am sure there is a soft cap to aim for with haste (which may not be reached yet).

Haste lowers all ability cooldowns and global cd.

I believe 30% is the cap for 0% diminishing returns then 10% reduction in value after that until 39%.

Sounds like hard caps.

I guess what i am refering is with a soft cap is the amount of haste to have 100% sotr uptime?

(I am not sure if it is possible atm in tww)

Oh that I’m not sure about and I think it depends on the content area because raid encounters are very different than M+. I think historically the soft cap for near 100% uptime with SoTR was 35-40% which we can get too with flasks, enchants, and gems.

Once the patch hits though, we are getting 10% cd reduction to both judgement and blessed Hammer which will lower the soft cap requirement to below the diminishing returns mark.

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Incorrect. It does lower GCD but it doesn’t lower all ability cooldowns, only certain spells are affected by haste and they have a green text on their cooldown timer in the tooltip.