Prot warrior's nerfed too hard in pvp

Listen its one thing to nerf something clearly wrecking shop, but after that 15% dmg nerf we can hardly take anyone down in a timely fashion. The spec has pretty much no offensive capacity to start with and the only thing we had to make an impact was demolish at 10 stacks and the cc chains that could turn the tide of battle. We already struggled with ranged and castors, but now we cant even help take down most of them before we are overwhelmed by sheer numbers.
This relegates Prot to being effectively dead in the water as an assist class and that’s unfortunate because I had fun with it last season, even making it to 2400 in blitz. But right now im not sure that climb is possible. :dracthyr_cry:

So I humbly request to buff it to offset the heavy 15% nerf. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

I hope Im not alone on this though I may be in the minority. :dracthyr_tea:


Brother i’m over here walking around with a base HP of 23 million, hoping they dont nerf it again because i’ve been having a blast this week.


Prot shouldn’t be able to kill anything. @_@

Bad enough prot warriors were given so much healing. Was in a bg yesterday and there were 3 of us beating on this warrior and he pretty cleanly shrugged it off.


give prot warriors whatever they want aftrer 5 years of bear tanks…give them fear, sheep, sap, port, bubbles…they deserve it. show paladins some love too. krist sakes…
prots get a tiny little love and its all hell breaking loose…meanwhile druids have 4 specs, hunters can shoot xpac after xpac around corners, through walls and kill your ancestors with triple taps and other nuclear attacks…
let prots have some fun


I agree. Actually buff Prot 30%. Actually buff all tanks 50% and then exclude them from queuing any instanced PvP.


Only Blood should be able to kill things. I agree.

I agree. When the other team has any kind of tank in Randoms I always tell everyone do not waste your time trying to kill them. You cannot kill them, fortunately they are not able to kill you either. But sure enough; there are 3-4 players fighting this tank off in some corner as the tank laughs off their damage.

Yes, we need more tanks that can solo 15 people+Boss in ashran.


What’s the old saying?

“When tanks are having fun in pvp, nobody else is.”


Bring back Tipsy Chicken Cleave.

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I played against you on Silvershard Mines in randoms the other night, and you absolutely farmed my entire team.


There was a prot warr on my team in a Blitz game last night Presvoker wouldn’t shut up about it and was trying to make him feel bad about his choice, lol. People are rough.

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I hope Im not alone on this though I may be in the minority.

You’re practically alone in this, though for what it’s worth I agree - I’d like to see Prot buffed up. Sword & Shield is my favorite Warrior class fantasy and I hate that it’s either unplayable or too strong.

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Nerf all tanks even more.


to the ground


Prot warriors along with other tanks in PVP need MAJOR damage nerfs.


I need to play my prot warrior…

This is going to be a very large hated post but it needs to be said.

Tanks SHOULD be viable in PvP. They should do their role well in PvP. They should NOT be gods of damage. They SHOULD be killable. HOWEVER, the taunt should force your focus to them for 6-8 seconds, their defensives should operate properly so they take reduced damage during defensives, and they should be used as a distraction, deal enough damage to be viable (Not a DPS level damage for the love of god) and they should be able to be a harrasser in the enemy lines.

Every time I see tank changes its “Increases damage received, reduces damage dealt” but they could really make it a forced targeting system and make them used for their role.


Then healers need MAJOR durability / mana nerfs and dps need MAJOR defensives and CC nerfs.

The bottom line is tanks are a part of the game and wishing to render them useless is as much a nerf to your team as the people playing them.

Tanks are only useful in epic battlegrounds where there’s NPC bosses to fight. Other than that, in actual pvp, they are generally useless.