Prot Warrior Tank Looking For A Guild (Thrall)

Hi, the name Zerk im a returning retail player and a new tank looking for a guild to do raids, dungoens, delves and have a good time (I also make memes) hope we can be friends :slight_smile:

Hey Zerk!

We are currently looking for a second tank. Posting our guild information below, feel free to reach out to me in-game if you’d like to learn more!

Radicitus is a gaming community and raiding guild on US-Thrall. Originally formed in 2008, we are currently reforming our raid group after an extensive break. All players looking for a fun and welcoming home are encouraged to reach out!

We raid on Tuesdays from 7:30PM-10:00PM EST (Server). In the past we targeted AOTC and will be doing the same now that we are back in wow, but taking it a bit more casually at our own pace. We are currently looking for a few additional raiders who wish to join us in having fun and exploring The War Within!

Current Recruiting Needs:

  • Tank: 1 Opening
  • Healer: 1 Opening
  • DPS: We currently have around 10 guildies who opted for DPS this expansion, but more are always welcome!

On non-raid nights you will find our members running mythics, leveling alts, playing other games or just hanging out in voice chat.

Please feel free to shoot me a message in game or add me to bnet – Elk#1610 if you’d like more information!