Warriors are completely shut down by most classes. But get yourself some support from the friends you’ve made by being Prot, and bring the pain train.
I am actually not so sure about that… you would be surprised. I remember back in vanilla a prot warrior dueling against rogues… he did really well.
This was also my experience. On my Rogue, I tried dueling a Prot Warrior with much better gear than me, and despite it being the first two duels I had done against a Prot Warrior, I won quite convincingly. I used Rupture and kited him with Crippling Poison. I seem to remember also discovering Gouge not working when he blocked it. He was an Orc but I didn’t use stuns.
The only potential use for a prot warrior in PvP is tanking bosses in AV.
This. A warrior without MS will hate life. Other than AV tanking, a prot warrior really serves no purpose. Casters will annihilate you. If you want to pvp tank roll a soul link warlock. Yes, I’m serious. You get all around physical and magic damage mitigation. Do more damage and great cc.
If you want to pvp tank roll a soul link warlock.
A feral druid bear does the trick as well.
Especially wsg. Druids are kings of wsg.
I remember back in vanilla a prot warrior dueling against rogues… he did really well.
That is one class out of 9 that depends heavily on landing stuns and disorients on a target wearing plate back when plate meant something.
The Warrior was probably was wearing some DPS gear and may not have been full Prot. Likely either 31/5/15 or 5/31/15 which were both very popular tanking builds at the time.
Well your primary use will be to attack healers and jump into enemy formations and hope they target you. Melee abilities won’t do much and you have some potential to stun with retaliation, especially if you can get to heals with a bunch of melee characters attacking you.
But that would only work if you have people to support you and when you jump in they attack afterwards. Taunt doesn’t work and the only way to taunt is to try to stun lock the heals or be the person trying to flip a flag. You wont land many kills your only value will be that you are harder to kill than pretty much everyone else.
As for 1v1 you need to remember that isn’t what you are specced for.
If you can convince healers to focus you in AV, you can acutally turn the tide of the battles in prot. Walk to front line and everyone stupidly focuses you while your mages aoe them all down on top of you. Of course this is more based on the gear you are wearing than actual spec. Unfortunatly there really isnt much in the prot tree that actually increases your tankiness, it is all in the gear.
Holy necro…oh well!!!
Last stand is actually huge for PvP survivability. To the point it can be worth going for even over enrage sometimes.
1 year! We have another winner.
I pvp quite a bit as fury/prot right now. It’s fine, I contribute well. It’s kind of surprising how often I can actually tank the Horde while my buddies kill them. You’d think they would stop falling for the trick. But no, they see a dual wield warrior and think I’m a free kill. Not so free, muahua.
But you do need to have a certain selfless mindset, willing to be the bait, willing to be happy with obstructing the opponent’s play rather than racking up the KBs. You are epic at “spinning the flag” in AB. 1v1s are not any warrior’s strong suit. As a gnome I am harder to kite, and that helps. If I get that first charge in, I have a good shot of winning unless you are a frost mage or a priest.
You should see our Tauren MT Thunderfury Prot in ABs and WSG.
If you roll in a trio with a dps and healer, it could be fun. Alone in open world even questing would be hard, but with a healer and a mage you could aoe farm and pick of players.
I mean, that is more on the thunderfury than the spec lol. I love to disarm these pve tanks cause most of them dont have chains or stronghold guantlets.