Prot Warrior or Prot Paladin?

Trying to get into tanking again, and I want to play one of the shield boys. Thought I’d ask you folks first:

  1. Which tank is easier? Why?
  2. Which tank do you prefer? What’s the best/worst part about playing it?

Thanks as always for the input!

1.) Warrior much tankier and easier to grasp
2.) Paladin, I love the utility it provides. The worst part is that avengers shield no longer generates holy power

I only play protection paladin well, but I would absolutely recommend it. Pretty easy, easy to pick up, easy to survive with, fun and smooth rotation, a million backups. The worst part imo is that sotr has too much downtime.


Warrior is a blast this expansion.

I tanked with blood in SL and with veng/guardian in BFA

Warrior in DF is the most fun ive had in years :slight_smile:
My favorite aspects are:

  1. multiple viable builds.
  2. i LOVE all the talents that give “+x% armor/health”. Makes me feel my gear is more valuable.
  3. bleeeeeeeeeeeds
  4. dmg = more ignore pain
  5. spending rage gives CDR on big spells, meaning more dmg = more tanking

I havent tried pally IN Df Tbh, too busy having fun on warrior.


Any input on ease of damage smoothing between the two? I’m afraid I’ll be making quite a few mistakes under pressure, so knowing which one can handle some bumps easier might help me decide.

From a completely non performance perspective, i vote prot paladin because paladins are amazing and a great class fantasy

You’re a warrior of the light who can directly heal friends and summon light guardians to protect them. I’ve always preferred direct healing over damage mitigation. Also the whole thing about cleansing the world of evil undead

From a playstyle perspective i always really liked the idea of avengers shield being a ranged attack that bounces around and having ranged abilities like judgment/hammer of wrath

We also look great in glowing armour


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Paladins felt slow for me.

I can’t offer much about warriors since the Mechagnome racials can catch my mistakes. :robot:

I’m not as familiar with the builds of DF right now. Any specifics you could highlight?

Prot paladin. All of the tank class rankings came out before people had raid gear and optimized stats. Prot Paladin with high haste is way tankier than prot warrior. I’ve yet to see one take less dmg than me


Define Easy.

  • Utility and the ability to save players? Paladin.
  • Ability to laugh at the feeble attempts at bad people trying to penetrate your armor? Warrior.

I am a Paladin at heart. It’s weird. Paladin is me all the way. And yet…after playing a Warrior in raids way back, I now understand their popularity. Even now as I main Paladin, I kinda want to be a warrior too. They are that good.

You don’t really understand how godlike a warrior feels until you play one. If you use all your toolkit, you just stop worrying about dying. It now becomes a game of doing as much damage as possible and jumping all over the place and FEELING as powerful as possible.


As a warrior tank. You eventually reach a level where dying is not even a concern. And the main goal is doing as much damage as possible and feeling as powerful as possible.

If I got a WoG/ whatever I could use on others (not myself, just others), Warrior would not only be my go to class. It would be the only tank anyone ever played in this game.

One more thing I want to add…

Paladins are indeed slow and clunky at low haste. It sucks. But once you get high haste it plays just as fast as warrior. It is HIGHLY haste dependent. Even now I still feel slow.

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If being an unkillable boulder with a simple rotation and cooldowns is what you want then go Prot Warrior.

If you want to be squishier with a harder rotation but insane Utility (or really like spinning hammers) then go Prot Paladin.

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Messing around a bit with some class trials. Are prot warriors notably higher apm tanks? Feels like I’m hitting quite a few more buttons than I remember on my prot pally.

Also, any tricks to maintaining shield block and ignore pain uptime? Just dumping rage into them as highest priority at the moment.

I’m horrifically biased so take this with a grain of salt. Warrior Tank. Just something about a guy who has no real magical ability or protection going toe to toe with literal gods.

You play prot warrior for tanking, the rest is just “for fun” tank.

Paladins because spinny hammers.

Prot Warriors are superior until the nerf bat comes. It’s a matter of how hard that hit will be.

At least prot paladins are safe going forward.

warrior everything else is subpar sadly especially bear

I chose paladin because I like tossing shields and hammers around and you get a battle rez. Lack of mobility is frustrating though.

Holy hell, yes! Thank you for mentioning this. I’ve got more experience with prot pally from previous expansions, but this has always been a sore spot for me. I’m not super comfortable with all the charges yet, but heroic leap alone is a major plus in favor of warrior for me right now.

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It’s funny it’s over a month later but I’m gonna respond. Around the time you posted this I made a warrior. To be fury. But I tank on him a ton too. I mailed a prot paladin from MOP till now. After getting really good with prot warrior. It’s hard to go back to paladin. Warrior just feels more like a tank. And the mobility difference. I love my paladin don’t get me wrong. But I’m having a blast playing my warrior.