Prot Warrior LF Raiding guild For SL

Hello everyone, im looking for a raiding guild that is raiding now and will be pushing content in shadowlands

I have raided all content up to the start of BFA and had to take time off for personal reasons and now i’m back and ready to raid

Im a very dedicated raider and will make 100% of all raids and have all stuff needed by raid time

I dont care if its a horde guild or alliance guild, I’m looking for anything after 7pm EST

Hi Finalswag,

We’re looking for players with some prior mythic experience who want to step into a well-organized raid environment as we prepare for the upcoming expansion.

We raid a fairly casual schedule (7-10pm EST Mon, Wed, Thurs) and take advantage of our limited hours by coming to raid well prepared and highly organized. As an example, we use PTR testing footage and logs to create strats we’ll use during week 1. There’s an example from Ny’alotha in our recruitment information, and we also already have guides posted internally for Castle Nathria.

Our primary organizational focus is on maintaining a positive and productive raid culture. We’re willing to make short term sacrifices like investing in a player who shows potential and needs some gear and some practice or removing a player who might be highly skilled individually but isn’t on board with playing as a team and keeping the raid culture positive.

If those practices and values speak to you, have a look at our recruitment post and drop us an application if you like what you see.

If our times can meet your schedule we could have lots of fun.

Hey would like to talk to you plz add me on bnet!

[H] Sanctuary is a large gaming community with a great WoW base. Semi Hardcore raiding progression guild. Only months old but already into Mythic! 5/12m

Raid Times:
Thursday:10p-1a (CST) (this would be 11-2a EST, or 8p-11a PST) NOT MANDATORY but encouraged for those who still need gear from Heroic Ny’lotha

Friday: 10p-1a (CST) (this would be 11-2a EST, or 8p-11p PST) Mythic

Saturday: 10p-1a (CST) (this would be 11-2a EST, or 8p-11p PST) Mythic
(we are considering adding more days, but times would most likely remain the same)
====Realm Cluster====
[Gurubashi] [Aegwynn] [Hakkar] [Daggerspine] [Garrosh] and [Bonechewer]

Feel free to contact us if you have more questions:
Go to Arktuary(dot)com and discord info is on front page
If you join discord, select WoW icon in the #auto-roles section to be able to see the WoW channels.

You can add us as a friend via discord:

You can also add us to btag:

how can i reach out to someone to speak with

Inspect Raiding is an alliance mythic raiding guild recruiting ranged dps, healers and an offspec tank. The players of the guild have 7/7 M uldir 9/9 M BoD and 8/8 M Palace. This is a guild that will full clear mythic, we are looking for players with a large amount of mythic experience. Raiding spots will be competitive. Benching can happen due to performance or composition. A majority of the players come from and have raided together for 6 years. This is a newly formed guild from the community with the goal being to clear mythic every tier. Our current raid times are looking to be 8pm est till midnight Monday and Wednesday. We will also raid Friday for the first couple weeks of the tier to speed up progression. Which will turn into an Optional offnight heroic afterwards. We have several groups of high M+ players and arena and BG players. For more questions or an interest to join message me on discord Noah#5402

Hey Finalyswag. We raid fri/sat 8-11pm EST. Add up my bnet and let’s talk. Frozen#1151