Prot warrior in WOTLK am I doomed?

I hate when people make tier lists and call things “bad” or “unplayable” for this reason.

Couple things:

  1. Prot is not bad. I don’t know why people keep saying it’s terrible. Unless you’re trying to be a top .1%er and push world first every raid tier, you will be fine. Prot warrior is fully capable of clearing all content without issue.
  2. No tank spec is “bad”. Tanks are so far and few in between, most people are generally just happy to get a tank regardless of what it is. I’d be willing to bet my bottom dollar no group is gonna turn you down because you’re a prot warr and not a prot pally or bear tank. Especially true for earlier in the xpac. But will still hold true in 2, hell 3, 4, 5, 6 years from now.
  3. I’m pretty sure prot warr is the best tank in PvP, if that’s your cup of tea. I remember the absolutely disgusting damage output and burst from prot back in the day in wrath. People complained for months to have it nerfed because they’d get one shotted by Shield Slam.