Prot Warrior Hidden Artifact skin


I didn’t play my warrior in Legion and I wanted to get the hidden artifact appearance for prot now. I read the story in the order hall but I cant tell if the artifact research level is still a factor since we can’t earn them anymore. I’ve been going to the cave for a couple of days now but I wanted to see about this as it’s been nagging me. Can we still get the appearance if we can no longer get the research level to 5?

Everything but the Mage tower variants you can still obtain in BFA.

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Reasearch is auto-maxed out, so don’t worry about it. :slight_smile:

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There was a macro I used during legion (never got it) and I’m not sure if it still works in BFA but try this!

/run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(44311))

If it returns true then it will trigger. I’m not sure if you have to be in the Broken Isles or anything though.