Prot Warr LF Mythic Raiding Guild

Hardcore raider since Vanilla. Started playing again 2 months ago after a long break. Currently 345 Ilvl Protection Warrior looking to MT/OT for Mythic EP. Cleared Normal and Heroic, 34 years old, Top-End gaming rig and can make most days/times. Scoop me up lets down some Mythic Bosses! :sunglasses:


Hello, we are recruiting:

Lint Roll My Carpet | Horde | Mal’Ganis

We raid Saturday and Sunday, 1:00am-3:30am CST


Hey Amore,

I just sent you a friend request on Bnet. Get a hold of me and let’s talk this weekend. My name is Wretchedmist and I’m the GM of Obsidian Spur on the Thrall realm. We’re a 2004 Horde launch guild originally from Sargeras. We’re a mythic raiding guild looking for new additions. Most recent progression in BfA is 6/8M Uldir, 8/9M BoD, 2/2H Crucible, and 3/8M Eternal Palace. We’re working on mythic Ashvane with good pulls.

Add me on bnet @ Wretchedmist#1868 and on Discord @ Wretchedmist#7609 (contacting me on bnet works better). I’d like to hop into Discord and have a conversation. You can look up a guild write-up of us on wowprogress. Reach out to me right away if you can make our raid times of Wednesday and Thursday from 8:00 - 11:30 PM eastern. We also do flex/heroic raids on Sunday nights starting at the same time.

Thanks for your time,


Haunted by Murlocs (3/8M tEP) is looking to recruit exceptional raiders for our three raiding teams.

The Who:

We are a semi-hardcore mythic raiding guild raiding on Area52 Horde. We emphasize on regular attendance and want our players to have fun while pushing content. Our leadership comprises of a GM council and an Officer team. We have three active raid teams raiding at different times and on different days catering to our roster’s raiding needs. Each Raid team has its own Raid Leader with the calls of the RL for the raid being final.

The When:

We have three active raiding teams - AM, WE and PM teams. Each raid team’s timings are listed below:

  1. The AM team (3/8M) raids for 3 days a week for 3hrs a day on Wed/Thu/Fri 10:00AM-1:00PM EST with an optional Heroic Clear on Tue 11AM-1PM EST.

  2. The WE team (3/8M) raids for 2 days a week for 4hrs a day on Fri/Sat 9:30PM-1:30AM EST.

  3. The PM team (8/8H) raids for 3 days a week for 3hrs a day on Tue/Wed/Thu 7:00PM-10:00PM EST.

The Requirements:

Raiders must be above 430ilvl and have a neck level of 62 at least to trial with any of the raid teams. We have a ramping neck level requirement of one level extra per week for each week AK rolls out. The player must also transfer to Area52 Horde side if wishing to raid mythic with us for obvious reasons.

The Rules:

  1. Trials are brought in depending on the needs of the raid on the day and are expected to be available for the duration of the raid they are trialing with. If the performance exceeds expectations, trails will be inducted into the raid team as raiders. Should you fail your trail you would be demoted to a member rank and can request trial later to retry for a raider spot.

  2. All loot that is looted by a player belongs to the player unless the player willingly on his own discretion gives it up for rolling. The item is then rolled through a loot council comprising of all officers and GMs that are in the raid.

  3. All BoEs that drop during the raid go to the officer council to fund the repairs, feasts and cauldrons provided in the raid.

  4. Players are expected to show up fully enchanted and gemmed before the raid with the best pots they are supposed to use.

  5. Discord is required for all guild raids and is expected to be kept clear for callouts and stuff.

  6. Drama will not be entertained, and repeated drama would result in a guild kick.

The Needs:

We are looking for exceptional raiders to fit in to our three raid teams - AM, WE and PM. We require different class/spec combinations for each team, and you can find each team’s requirements below.

  • AM team is looking for an exceptional tank with a competent dps offspec (preferably monk/warrior), a fury warrior, a fire mage and a warlock.

  • WE team is looking to recruit a rdps preferably SPriest or Warlock.

  • PM team is looking for all exceptional DPS to and are particularly interested in the following classes - DH, Rogue, Warlock, Mage, Boomie and WW monk. This is a recently formed raid team and is looking to complete its roster to push into Mythic tEP.

The Addons:

We require a few addons enabled by the players to raid with us. We require you to use DBM/BigWigs for boss mods, Angry Assignments for role assignment, Weak Auras2 for quality of raiding improvement and RCLC (Core, Group Gear, Extra Utilities) for raid loot distribution.

The Extras:

We have an active community of players. Due to the nature of our raid teams you’ll always find a lot of us online to do a lot of Mythic Plus or Islands or any other content that you’d need a hand with or simply want company with. We also push high keys and have a few guild friends who hang out in our discord for pushing keys and stuff.

The Application:

You can join the guild by contacting one of the officers or recruiters listed below. Alternatively, you can join our discord listed below and send a discord message to a GM or Officer rank person directly speaking your interest.

Bnet Contacts: Sherlock#12552, scrubbyskunk#1264, Dashieb12#1376
Discord Contacts: Sherlock#6035, Staudy#7987, Colm#8170
Guild Discord:

<Critical> of Stormrage is currently recruiting exceptional players to fill our roster for Mythic EP!

Who We Are

We are an Alliance three-day Mythic raiding guild on the Stormrage server. Our focus is to push for CE every tier while having fun doing it, as well as maintaining an active/social community. Outside of raid, we push M+, PvP, hang out in our Discord, and play a variety of other games.

Raid Schedule

Monday / Thursday / Friday
8:00pm - 11:00pm EST


• Be online and ready for raid 15 minutes before our start time.
• Have an understanding of the bosses we will be fighting before coming to raid.
• Make sure your gear is fully gemmed and enchanted before we enter raid. These enhancements (including consumables) are provided for raiders upon request.
• Let one of the officers know directly or through our late-or-absent channel if you cannot make a raid night. Failure to do so will result in a one-week suspension for raiders, or an auto-fail for a trial.

Recruiting Needs

• Priest
• Shaman
• Warlock
• Warrior
• Paladin


• 430+ ilvl
• 60+ HoA
• 30k+ DPS

All exceptional applicants are encouraged to message us, regardless of spec or class, as we are always looking for good players to join our roster!


Können (Recruitment)
BNet: surjective#11563
Discord: Können#5177

Liqueur (Officer)
BNet: AwesomeGuy#1616
Discord: AwesomeGuy#8442

Oliveowl (GM)
BNet: Oliveowl#1879
Discord: Oliveowl#0403

Streamed Raid Kills

• M: Radiance of Azshara
• M: Blackwater Behemoth
• M: Abyssal Commander Sivara
• H: Queen Azshara