Prot War or Prot Paladin in RBGS?

Disagree, It was high B tier before Tues at best. With glaring issues. These issues will only be amplified. You can be entitled to your opinions but most Rank 1 players will not say that Prot Pal is extremely strong. Since it isn’t.

No that’s how badly designed Tanks die. The high end Tanks don’t. Which is why Prot Pal’s defensives are lack luster. Maybe they will get buffed.

I assure you everything dies in a stun

You’re also not a good player, so there’s that lol

Bears and Prot Wars don’t. You aren’t killing a Prot War in a stun because of their cheat death and receive 100% more healing once it’s triggered.

Prot Pal has a much weaker version of it. Which could be buffed. It needs to be at 35% HP that it triggers since pally has lower HP.

People only attack others when insecure and can’t discuss the topic.

You can have your opinion just it doesn’t make sense and most high ranking players don’t agree with it. Feel free to prove everyone wrong. :wink:

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You just have no credibility on the topic

Isn’t MotW a buff?

Yes I am on topic where you are foolishly attacking me for no reason. Relax get some fresh air and get back on topic. I’ve provided some information feel free to also do that.

Yes they do, you just don’t know how to do it

Homie I’m chilling lol. I just don’t think you have any idea what you’re talking about

Sitting there and staring at a mountain for 16 years doesn’t make you a rock climber

Mark of the wild? Anyone can do that. That’s like saying battle shout.

I was talking about actual Buffs/Debuffs. Prot War can Demo everyone so they do 25% less dmg. They can also shield bash 1 target for another 15%. Prot War reducing damage of the other Team by large amounts in Team fights is pretty big. Not to mention the best CC/Control.

It would be great if Bears had some beneficial PvP design instead of just being a giant potato there. Which is why Bears don’t have any Arena comps. It’s just not in their design. They don’t compliment teams.

Which hopefully Tanks overall get healthier PvP design in the future like Prot War has so then maybe they aren’t as hated like Bears are.

I’m not sure what you mean. I’m a shaman and I can’t.

Any other druid lol… Just like any warrior can battle shout. You can just have a boomie or Resto do Mark of the wild. So Bear isn’t bringing any buffs/debuffs. Unless I’m missing something?

Sigh… so no MoTW isn’t a buff they are bringing.

You are not killing a Prot Warrior through their cheat death when they are stunned. You just aren’t. I’ve had 15 people attacking me while stunned and I survived. Healed to full and got away. (since healing is doubled when it procs)

Again it wouldn’t be a very good defensive if you die when it procs :rofl:

Which is why they should buff Prot Pal’s defensive to trigger at 35% HP instead of 20% since they have lower HP. Then maybe buff it too 60-70%

I see why you post on your classic toon. Have fun being hard stuck 1200 your entire life <3 tootles :nail_care:

It’s really sad that I keep bringing up valid points and this is your childish response. It just isn’t mature or helpful for anyone reading the thread. It’s also amusing you think I’m 1200. You can do better and be better in providing info in this thread. Or keep trolling. The choice is yours :roll_eyes:

Please tell me how do you kill a Prot War in a stun through their cheat death? Did you even know they have one?

It’s one of the reasons why Prot War is higher on Tier list now. With a Cheat death and their immense tool kit and damage. It’s looking good.

=) feel free to prove me wrong!

I’m glad you’re giving me this much free real estate in your head, but please stop trying to interact with me lol

Boys boys…just remember. No need to fight. Whenever I get all bent out of shape by someone saying something in wow I just go to my happy place like off happy Gilmore. Except instead of a midget I think avril lavigne…mmmmmm……

I’m not fighting no idea what that persons problem is. However I put them on ignore if they can’t have a discussion. Maybe they are good maybe they aren’t but they certainly can’t discuss a topic or help people in this thread. Nor do they have a rebuttal to any of the information I brought up.

Nice… yes that person needs a hug or something. We are trying to discuss Pros/Cons and Tank design. Prot Pal kinda got dumpstered and their weaknesses are bigger come Tues. It’s a shame. I proposed some buffs that would help but doesn’t look like that will happen.

Prot Pals main weakness is being globaled (especially during a stun) and on Tues they take 10% more damage. It’s just too much in my opinion. Where Prot War doesn’t have that problem and has a 5% nerf. The math and design is not in Prot Pal’s favor.

Prot Wars cheat death is a massive plus to their builds. Not to mention a lot of Dps don’t know what is going on and blow Offensive CDs into the Cheat death trying to kill them wasting it.