Prot war makes me want to unsub

hardstuck to normal content and 0 invites to H content


Lmao no one in their right mind would invite prot warrior to H content, prot war is trash even as offtank, the only thing you can do is tank nef adds.

When im tanking on DK I hate being paired with a warrior OT, their threat is so bad that i have to literally AFK or I will accidentally pull aggro again during tank swaps.

Is it really that bad? Can you not just make your own groups, if you really want to tank on your warrior? Is it that big of a deal that you literally just can’t get anyone to play with you?

Hmm yeah, huh?

I guess just go Arms or reroll…


which class has a similar situation? none? what horrible class design

Which situation? A spec that isn’t desirable in heroic raid content? I’m not sure if people are bringing Frost Mages or BM hunters to Heroics, for example, though I’m not sure that’s what you mean.

I’m kind of surprised that that’s really the case. I haven’t been playing Warrior in Cata Classic, but I tanked all heroic content on a warrior (and druid and paladin) in the original Cata without any issue… well up to the point when Heroic Firelands was the current content, and I stopped playing due to RL commitments.


so people are seriously so min maxxy meta focused that they wont take a war to h content? even tho its possible?

for me it’s the bots. im not one to accuse every farmer i see of being a bot. just the ones that make my spidy sense tingle. a few bots can do a lot of damage.

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Yes unfortunately.

Welcome to what MMORPGs have become. It’s no longer about the adventure, experiencing the new or forgotten, and good times with friends, it’s about optimizing to the absolute maximum for parses and speed clearing (even if your guild sucks they try to mimic the “best” players and what they do)

Probably the worst type of culture to have taken over the Genre.

Raid logging, loot pinata, only take the best possible team for the content culture, even though just about any composition can clear it if mechanics are done correctly. Best setup for the fastest easiest clear or we don’t play mentality.

Give me loot now and give it to me easy, all while having a contradicting complaint of the content is too easy after min-maxing the living hell out of it.

Best advice I can give you is find a chill guild who just enjoys playing the content together and not about parses if your goal is to play off meta picks. That’s the approach i took almost all of classic, and I don’t regret it one bit. Will my guild full heroic clear? probably not, but i’ll probably enjoy the game a hell of a lot more than 90% of those that do.


anyone know when prot war will be accepted into being able to participate in playing the game?

People will always be meta slaves but the gap between tanks should lessen quite a bit come firelands. Paladin/War lack the CTC coverage with P1 gear.

Ty guess I’ll just level alts til then…

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join a guild pugs will always go for meta classes/specs

bravo sir :clap:t3: :clap:t3:

I hear you, every single class I play is the wrong spec, I don’t want to change specs and shouldn’t have too, why the hell are there 3 specs if only one is usable?

Because people only care about topping the meters. I love being an enhancement shammy because who doesn’t love clocking enemies in the face with a lightning infused hammer? But that also means that i will never get into higher content because everyone wants an ele shammy. So shammy is a dead class to me right now.

My guild is 13/13H and we have an enhance shaman

Well my ele shammy is kind of an exception, spamming chain lightning can be fun and if the target AOE groups are big enough I occasionally top the dps meters. Arcane mage is good for pvp and single target dps (so not good for most dungeons) .

I honestly don’t believe that, but ok.

10 or 25man? I dont see any competive 10 man making room for an enh sham. The 25man is 20 manable so thatd make more sense.

Whats even more dead than prot war for dungeon are Fury wars for pvp, now thats a dead spec. Has potiential but easily outclasses by arms. I also love enhance for shaman, frost for dk, bm for hunter and assination/combat for rogue for pvp even though, there are stronger specs