Prot - Sword and Shield Equipment Really Matter?

I’ve been curious about how important the 1-hander and shield are to a prot paladin. I’m sure many of you have all seen or heard of the paladin that solo’d a mythic without a sword. So that seems like those “values” are not super relevant.

You can also see that shields are dirt cheap with conquest points from the pvp vendors. Does this mean the shield we use isn’t super important either? I cannot tell how the “block” value lends to my defensiveness.

Do any of you more knowledgeable paladin’s know how important the ilvl is for my sword/shield?

The shield and 1h are both extremely important for prot. The 1h gives you stats and damage which contribute to tanking stats such as damage and increase damage which increases threat. The shield gives block, armor and stats. Paladins are block tanks so the shield is huge for paladins.