Prot Pally used to MTing LF Guild

Looking for a new guild, moving from Meme Team and the split is amicable. I’m 2 peices from Phase 1 BiS already have my shield from Gruul and BOTH resist sets complete. I also have alts I’ve been raiding just in case I can’t find a tank slot somewhere (yeah I realize good guilds are already set). I’ve got a Ret pally, Ele Shaman, and a Hunter all at 70 and ready to raid. I’ve already been through 3/6 in SSC and have tanked the trash in TK. Have raided a Prot Pally from Original TBC through MoP so know the class inside and out. Quiz me, go ahead. Feel free to reach out in discord #Nika1111 and if you want to take a look at logs the tank is Nihka, ret pal Nikha, Ele Sham Nikahh.

Hello Nihka, just curious what raid times you’re looking for?