Prot pally tank LF raiding guild

Long time tank looking for a guild to raid with . Looking for mythic plus and aotc focused . Tank is 588 ilvl and rising . Respond here or hit me up on discord

Disc: Pølàris
Battle net - Scroogemcduk#11678

Polarity - US Thrall - Horde is currently recruiting Tanks and DPS for Heroic Raiding and Mythic+ groups. Raiding will commence on Tuesdays and Thursdays 8pm-11pm EST! Most of us are returning players from previous expansions, all with heroic raiding backgrounds. Accepting all toons, including alts who just want to hang out! Send a message or inquire in-game! Thank you! We Would be happy to have you join our ranks!

Bnet - DocXHoLLiday#1227
Discord - og_docxholliday3374

Hello I am starting a one night a week raid focused on AoTC/Gearing. It is a sunday raid starting at 7PM MTN. Please feel free to reach out or check out my post! [NA]Aotc Andys one day a week raiding guild Sun 7-10PM MTN - #3 by Bingusbonkus-illidan

bumps for the bumps

Hello Polaris

I ama returning player. I came back in March. Apparently it had been 7 years since I was last online! I have really enjoyed WoW since then but one of the things I was missing was the social aspect of a Guild. I joined a guild for this xpac that I am quite happy with at Tryhardish.

There is a wide variety of experience levels that lead to a more casual atmosphere. But, the officer team is knowledgeable and skilled while being dedicated to forming a positive environment. Avg age is probably in the 30s with a ton of working adults that want to game.

We currently are looking for a second tank for the raid team. The MT is a war, so a pally would be great. Although anyone is open for an invite for M+ or other activities. Schedule is later at 10-12 est Thursday and Saturday.

If that sounds like it might be a good fit for you, I invite you to check them out. Cheers,

I sent an app in myself for tanking for MT or OT today if you still need one for Heroic raid specifically.