Prot pally pvp?

You should care some about PvE because your core balance is done by PvE and a lot of gearing is also done thru PvE and being able to easily attain M+ gear and Raid will be pertinent.

Imagine telling someone that actually competes in PvP with Prot at a high level that they are doing it wrong. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :man_facepalming:t2:

This sounds like you don’t have a great understanding of mechanics, math or how gear/builds work. Again something I offered help with but it just sounds like you are bitter about something not working in your casual PvP that you do. This is a “YOU” problem not a Prot Pally problem.

You still aren’t making a relevant case about anything with your limited experience.

Yes your profile reveals you are using the wrong Traits, Talents, Enchants, lack gear, sockets and have no competitive PvP experience. You should of stacked Mastery and be using Mastery traits/Enchants with Holy shield all of BFA. It’s clear you aren’t aware what makes Prot Pal so strong.

It isn’t hard to look someone up just type it in search. Again I played at 2500 MMR in RBGs against the top players/teams in NA. I also played at 2300 MMR in 3’s. Again last season #1 Prot Pal in North America on Ally in RBGs and #4 overall but hey… I’m doing it wrong :thinking: :joy:

Here is my profile but using the look up feature is too hard? Probably why you feel stuck in your situation you can’t make adjustments in the casual content that you do. Once you understand the Class better your Dps will go up. It’s very clear you look to other players to follow their builds which is fine but you aren’t qualified then to comment on the state of Prot Pal PvP.

Let me help you out some here is a very detailed Prot PvP guide by Lumaca to give you a better understanding how Prot works in PvP. It was posted in these very forums months ago. I suggest reading that guide then commenting in there to learn more about PvP and what will be strong in SL for Prot. Good luck and criticizing everything for no good reason won’t get you very far.

Ohhh btw if you don’t have any Screen shots that look like this. Then you are probably the one that doesn’t know what they are doing. This was in competitive RBG too at 2200 MMR FCing where I hard countered a caster cleave Healing for 48 mil cause of Holy Shield. I still managed to kill and pump Dps while FCing too. Notice my mastery at the bottom. Yea that is where our dmg comes from FYI. In SL Prot is more than fine.