I just resubbed and have been getting my Prot Pally geared to start tanking end game content. I’m currently at ilevel 354. Looking for a group that’s around my ilevel to start progressing, either in dungeons or raids. Alliance Side.
Are you interested in RP or just pve?
You posted with your monk so maybe can you do a quick bump with your Prot Pally so folks can see who you are and possible get you into a guild. There are several guilds that do Mythic dungeons on the Alliance side. Coldridge Company, The Ashen Vale, Salty Sea Doggos, Chocolate Milk(They are a pve guild for the most part)…just to name some off the top of my head.
Have you looked through the forums at the various guild posts or joined our Alliance RP discord?
Sorry if I didn’t clarify, I am not looking for a guild, I’m in a RP guild I’m pretty happy with, they just don’t seem to be very active in the whole Dungeon/Raid progression side. I’m just looking to join a group that needs a tank to start progressing in raids/dungeons, whether they be guild mates or not.
good luck in your search!