Prot pally looking for a CE focused raid team in SL. I have a LONG history of high end raiding across a lot of classes and specs. Prot pally being one of my most experienced.
B-net: Lockybalboa#1368
Looking for 2-3 night raid, no more than 12 hours a week. Ally or Horde, any server. Must start after 6pm PST for weekdays, anytime for weekends.
My goals are progression, CE every tier, and raiding with people I enjoy. It’s a game, it’s fun, and it’s not that hard.
Current stats: 461 ilv, 82 neck, 8 cloak
Current Content: None, just returning from a ~9-month break.
Highlights: (pre-mythic) World First Heroic Jin’rokh, US 2nd Horridon, US 1st Tortos, US 2nd Ji-kun, US 42 Ra-Den, West 7th Immerseus, West 5th Fallen Protectors, West 9th Norushen, West 7th Sha of Pride, West 5th Halakras, US 5th Iron Juggernaut, US 6th Dark Shaman, US 8th General Nazgrim, US 9th Malkorok, US 12 Spoils of Pandaria, and US 19th Thok.
Raid History:
Started raiding in TBC as a Bear druid, moved onto Resto shaman and cleared all content up till the start of MH. Did some progression on random fights in MH but wasn’t part of the kill team during progression.
Stopped raiding for BT/Sunwell and the start of Wrath.
Came back during ToGC as a resto/ele shaman clearing ToGC on heroic and achieving A Tribute to Insanity 10man.
11/12 heroic ICC as Resto/Ele shaman.
12/13 heroic TotFW/BoT/BWD - Resto/Ele/shaman
6/7 heroic Firelands - Resto/Ele Shaman
8/8 heroic Dragon Soul - Ele shaman, Prot Pally, Shadow Priest, Hunter, Rogue, Warrior.
16/16 heroic MSV/HoF/ToES - Top 50 US Prot Pally
12/12 heroic ToT - World First Jin’rokh, US 2nd Horridon, US 1st Tortos, and US 2nd Ji-Kun Prot Pally. Finished US 42nd Ra-Den on my Warlock.
14/14 mythic SoO - West 7th Immerseus, West 5th Fallen Protectors, West 9th Norushen, West 7th Sha of Pride, West 5th Halakras, US 5th Iron Juggernaut, US 6th Dark Shaman, US 8th General Nazgrim, US 9th Malkorok, US 12 Spoils of Pandaria, and US 19th Thok on my Warlock. Finished the tier around 120th US Garrosh.
7/7 mythic Highmaul, 9/10 mythic BRF - BM Monk.
13/13 mythic HFC US 142 - Hunter.
7/7 EN, 3/3 ToV, 10/10 NH All mythic - Warlock
3/9M Tomb of Sarg Warlock and Prot Pally, 6/9M Blood DK
8/11M Antorus Holy Priest, 9/11M warlock.
4/8M Uldir Holy Priest, 6/8M Prot Pally
Quit until now shortly after BoD released. No progression in CoS, EP, or Ny’alotha.
To sum this up, in the 15 years I have been raiding I have mained 9 different classes, 17 different specs, and all three roles. I have raided world race, achieving one world first kill, several top 10 West, and many top US.
Contact for more info, B-net: Lockybalboa#1368