Hello, I mained a prot pally back in tbc and I’m looking to do it again. My buddy and I recently leveled and hit max the other day to get ready for launch. I am looking for a guild that has fun but also expects everyone to generally know what they are doing and how their class works. My friend is a Holy Priest and he may be interested in joining as well.
Hello Friends!
We are Tribute! We are Semi-Hardcore Weekend ONLY raiding guild!
Raid Times:
Sat/Sun 7p-10p EST/ST
Loot System:
DKP / Open Bid
Current Needs: As Of 05/24/2021 – If outdated, contact officer!
CURRENT Officers/GM:
Svetska #1903
Guild Leadership Needs:
Raid Leader x2
Tank Role Leader x1
Melee DPS Role Leader x1
Ranged DPS Role Leader x1
Healer Role Leader x1
Protection Paladin (AOE Tank/Expected to Flex to Heals) x1
Protection Warrior (Primary Main Tank) x1
Feral Druid (Expected to Off-Tank/DPS) Druid x1
Melee DPS:
Arms and/or Fury Warrior x1
Retribution Paladin x1
Enhancement Shaman x2
Combat Rogue x1
Ranged DPS:
Affliction Warlock w/ Imp x1
DS/S&F Warlock x2
Fire Mage x1
Shadow Priest x1 flex to x2
Balance Druid x1
Elemental Shaman x1
Divine Spirit Priest x1
Circle of Healing Priest x1 (Primarily Raid Healing)
Resto Druid x1
Resto Shaman x2 (Primarily Raid Healing)
Want to join? Message an officer on Bnet!
Hi, I’d be interested in having a chat with you about your raid time availability. I would also be interested in recruiting your priest friend as well. You can reach me via bnet Lament#1412 or discord Lament#7840
Our raid times will be Tues/Thurs 10pm-1am EST
I appreciate the response. Unfortunately I can’t stay up that late on weeknights due to work. If things change I will be sure to let you know.