Hey all!
I’m a 595+ ILVL Protection Paladin looking for a casual group to run Mythic+ dungeons. I typically play in the evenings after 7 PM PST, and I’m available on Mondays, Wednesdays, and either Saturday or Sunday for a few hours. (Got a late start to the expansion)
I’m laid-back and looking to just have fun, but also push for some decent progress with the group. I’m experienced and comfortable tanking all kinds of content, and I’m just looking to find like-minded players to run keys with.
If you’re interested or have a group that needs a tank, hit me up!
Dropping our recruiters info, in case you might be interested 
I am a recruitment/social media officer for the guild
, located on Stormrage US.
We are looking to recruit new members! We are primarily a social guild with a focus on building a strong, friendly and judgment free community! We welcome both experienced and new players alike. Our guild has members willing to help out those who want to learn and grow in skill, as well as provide a place for veteran players who are actively raiding and running mythics.
Lots of us are working adults with kids that play when we can! We strive to provide a place where members can play together or work on solo content, while at the same time enjoying a relaxed, social atmosphere. We have an active Discord!
We have a monthly lottery, achievement runs, transmog contests and other events! We also have a raid team that has cleared normal and is now pushing through heroic. We are primarily looking for dps, but also a strong healer or two as the team grows!
For mythic+ we are looking to build our teams! We have people actively pushing keys, and are always looking to expand the amount of people who would like to run with us. Any specs are welcome, but we are greatly in need of tanks for mythic runs!
Whether you are Alliance or Horde, come join our family and make new friends!
If you have any questions you can reach me at:
Discord: edonn3lly104