Prot Pally and Arcane Mage LF Guild (H)

Two long time WoW players LF a guild to raid TBC and looking quite forward to WotLK. We’re fine with being in a main raid group, second, third, alt, etc. We’re looking to raid on my Protection Paladin and his Arcane Mage. As of right now we’re geared enough to start raiding Tier 4.

Preferred Raid days/time:
7 p.m. + (Server time)

My Alts:
70 Fury Warrior (Nearly Tier 4 Geared)
70 Shadow Priest (Fresh 70)

Buddy’s Alts:
70 Affliction Warlock (Majority T4 and few T5)

My real ID:
In game: Pallydani Ozibob or Corndøg