Prot Paladins set to outpace MWs above 1800 in 3v3 (both regions)

i still have nightmares of mop orb botters so i personally can’t say i care :slight_smile:

Don’t respond to duelistlilly’s troll alt

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Yea but that wasn’t even used. It was literally free, and broken. Glad it’s gone tbh. There are other healers that also can’t use their defensives while stunned (shaman) while having much less mobility.

I tried to warn people that this wasn’t just a 2s issue anymore.
People on my Btag queuing consistently into Prot paladin + 2 DPS 3s teams ranging from 1600-2k CR.

Like why bring an actual healer when you have a prot paladin crit healing for 30-40k in an instant global? Especially when you have as much utility/defensives as you do. The % damage increase in PvP for being a tank does F all in regards to Prot paladins until you get to a good amount of dampening as it is right now.

“But we use holy power for WoG and don’t do damage” You don’t need to do damage as a prot paladin to win games.

The other argument “Just focus the prot” works in some comps, but good luck dealing with an RMProtPala in 3s.


LMFAOO THIS IS IT :sob: :sob: :sob:

bloom’s cap is worth 10 of Doug Dimmadome’s Dimmsdale Dimmadomes

:billed_cap: :billed_cap: :billed_cap:


r u insinuating he is not as successful as he states???

sir I cannot hear you over the sound of baseball caps crashing around me

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I didn’t respond on the other thread cause I was worked up on someone else. However, it is incredible how bad MW is right now and I don’t really know why.
Can you explain like I’m a moron?

Neat! I’ve never seen a tank spec beat out a healer before. Has this ever happened? I remember blood dks being op once but nothing like this.

10 chars

What a peasant. My wife customized my nasa space shuttle. I plan to blast off into space after dinner and begin my journey to mars.


What’s crazy is I could totally see Elon Musk say this line and be serious about it.

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That would be the Tesla truck though :thinking:

You know the thing that looks like it rolled straight off the set of the Armageddon movie.

yeah bear druids had a few months in bfa where theyd outheal me some games, usually theyd be rsham/guard/ww. very toxic. probably other times i don’t remember

Lol imagine expecting reason and logic from Bloomsday

well i don’t know them, can’t see their post history because they have hidden things from me. Someone just told me they are a known troll whos main is Demoniclily, shrugs But I was curious if there was actually any truth to what they said.

  • and even prot pally
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Haha true.

Why is this a problem tho?
Is prot over performing relative to the other healers?
If yes, nerf, if no, leave it alone.
What is this weird stigma that tanks aren’t allowed to play the game?
Blood is performing as a DPS.
Prot is performing as a healer.
Guardian is performing as a cheesy 1shot.
Who cares? None of them are over performing, they’re simply existing.

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Prot paladin is quite literally a better healer than MW imagine.