Prot palading gear

I want to start gearing my paladin and I want to be able to gear as prot to help out guildies running m0 or low keys. But I don’t know what to aim for. I guess this is more of a “tank gearing” question in general.
Anyhow, the point is: What stats should I aim for? I do use sims to gear my main but in the case of tanks, since we are not aiming for max dmg, how should I weigh gear pieces? Do I aim to stack vers? Do I always equip higher ilvl?

I’m only at +6’s for M+ at around 605ivl, but I have mainly haste/mastery gear. Prot has talents for cd reduction on wings, guardian, divine shield and ardent defender. So I run a lot of haste to try to cycle stuff back up quickly so I can keep popping def cd’s. Lightsmith has cooldown reduction has well, so it benefits from haste too.

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Generally, prioritize Haste, followed by Mastery. We have a lot of GCDs to cycle through, including on our defensives such as Divine Shield or Eye of Tyr, so having high haste makes it slightly easier for us to have a defensive ready for bosses with tight tank busters, like the first boss in City of Threads. Haste also helps us with SotR uptime.
Mastery, meanwhile, gives us generalized damage reduction when standing on Consecration(and also increases our attack power, but it’s kinda meh on that front).

And generally, I wanna say stats are better than ilv unless the ilv jump is massive, I don’t think losing like 3% Haste for a single ilv is really worth it, not in Prot’s current state.

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  1. Haste
  2. Mastery
  3. Crit/Vers

However, if something is higher by like 6+ ilvls then go with the higher ilvl regardless of stats except for trinkets, rings, and neck.


Ty all for your input :slight_smile: