Prot Paladin PVP Stat Priority?

What’s the stat priority for prot paladin pvp?

Pretty sure it’s Intellect>Agility>Crit.

Intellect is for those BIG wogs.

Agility to dodge cc.

Crit for splittin wigs.


@Cloud/Mortalx :dracthyr_yay_animated:

vendor it and buy ret gear
holy gear


Been awhile, but I think you need a 689 defense rating so people can’t criticize you… I mean crit you.


too many globals to stack anything other than haste really

mastery > vers > haste > crit

That’s what I was thinking. Looked up the top prots on Drustvar and got confused because some stack mastery/vers and others stack haste/vers :scream:

Definitely try to get your Vers high as well but that will come naturally with PvP gear, main thing is having enough haste though so you can spam WoG.

Make sure to talent Gift of the Golden Val’kyr with the Guardian of the Forgotten Queen PvP talent, its bugged so you get the full 10 second duration once you hit 30% HP every 45 seconds. I would argue the Faith in the Light talent is mandatory as well.

Generally never WoG yourself until you hit 30% HP for the 10 second immunity.