Prot Paladin LFG TBC

Looking for hardcore or semi-hardcore guild to start raiding as prot pala. My goal is level fast enough from 60 to 70, complete all the attunements, and in general be ready to raid as soon as possible. I possess stress tolerance, discipline and raid performance. Planning to MS Prot and OS Holy. Transferring servers is of course not a problem. Am also willing to re-roll horde and re-level paladin at launch if necessary.

Invoke is looking for a Prot paladin

Chaos is recruiting for TBC we are looking for TBC vets who want to enjoy the content again. (Herod Server Horde).
Raid times: 8-11 PM EST. We plan to pvp and arena during the rest of the week or enjoy other games during the down time. We would like to go hard during the 1st month to get everyone and everything moving smoothly. Feel free to mesg me on discord. Leamus#2201

hey there, holybolt , senior officer of the gaming organization The Shattered Company, we are a top 10 Horde Grobbulus Raid guild that emphasizes Strong Teamplay and good vibes. Our officer system is huge and we are well organized, long story short, I have been gifted my own team for TBC, so I was about to post for individuals and then I read over your post…