Props to alliance for defending DMF

I wish horde would do this more when it’s at TB but just not enough horde stay at TB to actually go and defend (maybe we will next time given how alliance are defending DMF at all times of day on my server and how stopping ppl from getting buffs has become a big thing).

Tried last night and there was dozens there, so I logged nearby thinking I’d be able to grab easily at 4-5 am ST.

Still rogues around trying to stop people from grabbing, actually got to have some nice little wpvp while grabbing the buff.

Just wanted to give props to alliance out there actually providing a challenge at DMF.


Death to the Horde!


I swear I saw you on Benediction multiboxing that priest and 4 mages into SM Library while I was boosting with my undead mage. Hi I guess.

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Naw lol, I only play this warrior on Blaumeux. My alts are all just bank alts.

I feel like it’s genuinely harder for the horde to defend their DMF. A mage can put a portal like 20 feet behind the tent that has the buff guy in it, and the horde never even seems to notice. Meanwhile, the horde coming to Goldshire have to somehow run straight through the DMF to get to the same dude, seeing as the tent is postured right in the front of the inn and the mainroad leading from SW. On top of that, the horde has their DMF at their equivalent to Darnassus, whilst ours is postured where our main buff hub is.


Hey there. I am on Benediction, yes! But not the typical 1 Priest 4 Mage stratholm would-be team. Instead I have 8x Priests 12x Mages and have been doing 2x Priest 3x Mage SM groups. I’m more interested in massive world PVP, which our server has, with some AQ farming on the side. Leveling is a LOT OF WORK though! Level 35 right now!

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Put DMF outside Orgrimmar, things would be a bit fifferent

That’s 300$ a month in subs. Dang I don’t have that kind of money to spare :frowning:

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If you can stomach retail then you could farm gold for completely free subs, unlimited. There are a lot who do.

Not me, aint got time for that. I consider this my fun covid19 hobby :slight_smile: Killing horde. I am leveling now, but as I level more and more, I am gonna be a nightmare for Horde on Benediction!

Playing both factions on Grobbulus I can tell you that Alliance want to eat. Horde pvp aggression inspires Alliance to clique up and flex on Horde. When I’m ranking(Horde) and camp EPL with a group there’s always an Alliance group that retaliates and wipes us.

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It’s pretty simple. We own this world. We own all important resources. When we don’t really have to worry about our safety, we don’t really care that much about what’s going on.

3 alliance are killing people at our TB DMF? No big deal. Once a single horde guild comes by, they’ll be killed. We don’t really relish over small, pointless victories. In fact, it’s sort of cute to see the /spits and hate we get as we literally ignore them and grab our buffs and TP out.

As for Alliance using DMF? Take your buff, we can care less. You’re going to die in on your way to BWL anyways.

I usually dont have problems grabbing DMF from alliance. I got a few try hards camping, but they don’t expect the shield wall, trinket, then me taking a WSG queue.

Edit: you can still talk to the sayge and get the buff while sitting in a kidney shot for anyone who didn’t know.

Yeah, but that’s what they want.

That sets your 4 hour gametime cd; they want to kill you after you get the buff so you gotta wait in-game 4 hours to get next one.