Proposed change to Void elfs

maybe make spatial rift more like blink. its kind of nitch right now.
Entropic embrace make it a toggle that last for a few seconds. then give it a cool down


And make Xal’atath our new faction leader.


I started leveling my ve death knight and I have yet to figure out what use that racial is.


Ah, the inevitable “I want to be Helf when I’m not” thread.


Spatial rift is such a useless racial. I have no idea what its intended use is and why it’s a 3-min cool down.

The one time I’ve had luck with it was juking someone off of the bridge in blade’s edge.

No please it’s so nice how it is.

It’s really good for Juking people. Whether for PvP flag maps, or escaping too many mobs pulled.

You pop it, run the other way to lead your enemy in a diff direction, then pop it again and take off.

Spatial Rift freaking SLAPS during Warsong Scramble PvP Brawl.

During Shadowlands for example you could also use it in Torghast to bypass certain traps.

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they could at least reduce the cool down or make the rift move faster then our walk


I still have no idea what senario I could use spactial rift as an adantage

I’d follow Xal’atath if she showed me how to carve runes into my face.

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True… that’s where these all end up…

Spatial Rift is nice for avoiding slow-moving beams like from Kin’goroth in Antorus or (more recently) the stone guardian boss from Uldaman revamp. As a caster, it’s pretty nice to get some time to breathe.

But I agree, it’s pretty niche.

It’s so situationaly useful I put it on one of the side action bars where it collects dust…

Alleria is pretty neat. I hope you guys can get her tabard. :robot::+1:

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I use it all the time. Used it to avoid knockbacks on Fyrakk, the lines on nymue, slow rings on fall second boss, literally anytime on any encounter you get a debuff and need to move away…theres tons of uses for it. It literally allows you to move while casting/continuing your rotation

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