Proposal: Solution for Zekvir

The shadow priest really has the perfect kit to defeat him on difficulty ‘?’, but… if you try on difficulty ‘??’, you won’t be able to, even at level 630. The main issue is the inability to interrupt all of Zekvir’s heals, as the priest’s interrupt is terribly bad.

The central point of my proposal is that Brann’s interrupt should be an extra button that players can use at their convenience, also solving problems for classes that don’t have an interrupt like disc priests.

Additionally, if they made the cooldown on the shadow priest’s interrupt shorter, I would consider that as well. :wink:

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I run with Healer Brann and he doesn’t even have an interrupt.

instead of adding eleventy more buttons why not just reduce the CD for my interrupt to be more inline with the content it’s for?

If I’m expected to interrupt ever 30 seconds then put my CD at 20 or 25 seconds.

He does have a dispel though, and that dispel should also have the option to be used as an extre action button at the player’s convenience instead of automatically.


or make the boss cast the spell less often.

You can take a talent to reduce silence’s cooldown to 30 seconds from 45, which is enough to interrupt every important cast on Zekvir. You never need to interrupt the Spittle because you can remove it with Phantasm Fade.

and I can get both?

Correct. Zekvir has a heal cast on “??” mode which he casts every 35~ seconds, and enfeebling spittle which he casts roughly every 20.

You can silence the heal, and fade the spittle every time.

If for whatever reason you don’t have fade when he casts spittle (Sometimes he spell queues weird and it comes a few seconds early) you can disperse and quickly cancel it, or mass dispel the debuff to remove it.

I’m not finding Phantasm Fade in the talents could you help me out and let me know where to look?

The delve build I got from wowhead doesn’t seem to have these things.

The delve build on wowhead wasn’t built for Zekvir specifically, more just for clearing the regular delves.

I just wrote up my full guide for Zekvir “??” though, and that includes the talent build I used.


Yeah. I would prefer if he dispelled the thing that kills, not the mildly inconvenient slow.

Thank you :smiley:
That build isn’t much different than the one I made

I went with voidweaver with targeted crash also.

here’s mine


I took void tendrils for AOE snare.

I didn’t take leap of faith or a couple of the other group talents.

I’ll try yours.
It’s prolly better.

They’re both the same thing. The DoT applies a 40% slow.

Unless you mean the stun from the Add? If that goes off on “??” the fight is already over.

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I mean in general, not his fight in particular. He likes cleansing Web Bolt in normal delves, instead of DoTs.

Yeah, which is why I’d suggest giving players the option to have his dispel / interrupt as an extra action button, istead of trying to code some extremely complicated priority system that still doesn’t work in a bunch of edge cases.

A lot of the choices I made were just because I already had them from my regular talents. Looking at this though there’s a lot of things I don’t think are very useful against Zekvir, and a few important things you’re missing.

yea, I missed the dispell, and the kick CD.

To be honest I didn’t even know there were any dispellable debuffs.

What about the classes that don’t have a dispell? Do they just die or how does that work?

Not real sure I’ll need leap of faith for anything delve related. So I’d rather have that point for tendrils. Which I have used a lot.

That was the only thing I changed from your build when I imported it.

You don’t need a dispel explicitly, just a way to cleanse movement impairing effects. Brann also has a dispel if he’s specced healer but he doesn’t use it reliably on Zekvir. I wrote a feedback post when I killed it about issues with Brann consistency.

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