Proposal for bringing back Mage Tower rewards

Criminals act innocent too buddy.

Sorry, not sorry.



evidence I have is against the TOS

nice LARP as some NSA analyst but you’re aware nobody actually buys it, right?


I tried to go with friends and guildies. We failed so miserably and I never got to go back. Not trying to get that Druid appearance is what haunts me. Every time I see someone in it, I die a little inside. LOL

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That’s fine, I’m not ignorant to the information available to me.

I’ll be around :wink:

How about this: they create another single player challenge mode play which awards special class/spec skins. Rather than bringing back something old, create something new, perhaps make it an ‘evergreen’ thing that adjusts over time to keep its challenge intact and rotates rewards so people have a chance at some stage to gain them.

Why bring back something old? New content being added is better imo, and it means more when it is achieved at the time.

I’m sure your dad works at Microsoft, too and your girlfriend who conveniently lives in Canada can back it up but she’s unavailable right now.

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Don’t resort to personal assumptions now sock puppet.


Mans went into defense mode real quick.

Go ahead and name the account I supposedly also use.


The lesson learned from this thread is:

It’s not the account, it’s the character.

But I’ll be there when you switch.

Thread lightly cutie.

Enjoy your tirade.

This too.

Apparently a trend.

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Name the character + server please, thanks.


I’d rather let you simmer in the hot pan.

Knowing very well I’ll be living rent free in your head now.

Chess, not checkers.

Goodbye :slight_smile:

The same reason they brought back a ton of Naxx things, Old SM, Scholomance, etc.

Because people want them and people want to do the content to get them.

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Lazy LARP. 0/10.


You see, they’re making these class “sets” and weapons for trading post, but at least for me, they don’t look nearly as representative of the classes as the Mage Tower weapons and Challenge Mode sets do.
The mage tower skins do feel special not because they were “hard” to get or time-limited, but because they’re beautiful versions of weapons that were a huge part of lore, and this lore factor also counts imo.

I got many of them (bm, sv, mm, frost m, arcane, fire, balance, feral, guardian, ww, bm, holy p, disc, afflic and destro), and I don’t care if blizz brings them back eventually. Many times I don’t even use them, cause I’m going for a different theme xmog, like in this hunter, while many people would only use them forever. So yeah, I think everyone should have a chance, not only us who “were there at the right time”.

I don’t see why they couldn’t have added the models with a unique color for the new version. Lets people who didn’t get the original have the model, and add another skin for those who did it before. An infinite flight themed skin! (Because time walking)

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They could simply give people who got them during legion a title, and make the skins avaiable again for everyone else, like they did with the warlock green fire thing.

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We knew they were going away for a long time and they were basically free for over 6 months, next time dont miss the train if you want something.

You can always wait for classic Legion to be released.