Proper aoe tanking?

Kek @ AOE threat. Gg. Lol.

Oh? Well why dont you take imp charge? And why?

Im still lost, how does boosting ap of dps work to better threat gen?

Here’s a threat table. You can note that battle shout is supposed to generate the amount of threat listed in the table multipled by the number of friendly targets you buff with it.

It doesn’t currently work the way it’s supposed to, but once it’s fixed, it will be one of your highest threat ability when buffing 5+ targets. Or even 4+ targets.

IE: max rank battle shout is supposed to generate 70 threat per targets affected. If you buff 5 party members that’s 70x5 = 350 threat generated on every single enemy you’re in combat with. Compare that to max rank sunder which generates 260 threat (edit: and obviously on a single target).

Because in vanilla/classic, buffing friendly targets in combat generates threat.

But again, it’s currently bugged and doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to. After it’s fixed, it should work as I described.

edit: just adding in case anyone comes across later, you then apparently have to divide the threat by the number of enemies, making it a lot less impressive against large groups than I had seen claimed elsewhere

Jesus. OKAY. this is honestly insufferable. Skarm is better info. Also ew.

Sort of a poor opener that doesn’t take full advantage of the class.

If you’re in a position to charge you want to…

Charge > berserker stance > whirlwind > berserker rage > battle stance > thunderclap > defensive stance > blood rage > demo shout > battle shout.

From this point you tab target autos and sunders and revenge. Meanwhile rage dumping with battle shout. If it’s all ranged dps ask the healer to stand in bs range for more threat.

You get more threat with battle shout and battle shout can’t be resisted since it’s a buff. You want to serker rage because you get more rage when hit. You also wait to use blood rage in defensive stance because you’re staying in defensive stance as well as any rage outside of auto attacks gain actually generates threat ie more threat from defensive stance. Also you can use a rage pot for small threat gains too.

just tell doods to wait a couple seconds, let em know ur not gonna kill everything by yourself, they will still be above u on the dmg meters.

Mark a first target, preferably a caster.
Run in and start building on everything but the skull really, throw some dynamite down early if you can, then start cleaving as you build on the things people are getting up on threat with your white hits and abilities.
Either taunt the skull once someone makes threat on it for you, or ignore if entirely based on how close to dead it is.
If healing is not a problem you are probably better off putting on some hit to help rage gen along with swapping in an offhand when nothing physically devastating is on you.

You’re level 40 so I’m assuming you’re Arms specced.

Berserker Stance -> Berserker Rage -> Battle Stance -> Sweeping Strikes -> Charge -> Berserker Stance -> Whirlwind -> Battle Stance -> Thunderclap -> Demo Shout -> Defensive Stance -> Sunder -> Tab Target -> Sunder ect. ect.

This is your best chance to hold agro for AOE tanking. Just keep demo/thunderclap up during encounter while you’re sundering.

Hey bud. So here is the gist of it. My warrior is spec’d arms and I use 2h axe.

From zero rage.

Charge/gather pack
auto swing
Sweeping strikes
zerk stance
Battle stance
Cleave<Overpower<mortal strike

That burst takes about 4 seconds and puts me in total threat control of a pack.

At this point you can swap to Defensive and throw a shield block up to buy some healer time and see if there are any mobs that didn’t get hit.

Then play hamstring monkey/finisher/taunter.

The end.

Bear tank here.

First thing I do is explain the process.

  1. I am going to mark a target. Focus it down with single target skills. Purpose of this is for me to get threat on the rest of the mobs.
  2. Go ham with AOE after it is dead.

I run improved thorns, which helps with aoe threat. I also tab target and swipe after I get a single maul on the marked target. I will courtesy mark a second target after the first one dies for single target classes.

Just make sure you know the dungeons. Know priority targets and proper LOS pulls.

Oh, and if you have an ele shaman in group…good luck. Not sure what it is about them, but they always pull aggro on secondary targets.

but they do go all out bfa style and when they do pull aggro instead of standing still and pulling the mob towards you they run around like a headless chicken taking just as much damage while making sure to keep the mob just out of range so you can’t get it back.

No tanking is needed with proper AE.

Stuff dies fast and DPS can kite or survive long enough. If a DPS is AE and eating damage, they’ll be dead and that’s their problem.

Tank only useful for bosses and ‘big mobs.’ Its more effective to ‘blow up’ other trash… tank to pull and group the mobs is all that’s needed really for trash.

Mark a kill order.
Open WW > Demo (> tclap); you can open with 2h WW and swap weapons.
Tab revenge/sunder; prioritize revenge.
Potentially use WW on CD; I had a 2h wep swap WW macro while leveling.

Your dps should follow the kill order between cleaves. If it’s truly a flamestrike >blizzard mage, multishot opener hunter, instant hellfire lock, only spends rage on cleave and WW warrior type of situation, let them tank it. Every time I see a mage open with nova > flamestrike > CoC > blizzard, I think to myself “hope it’s dead before you’re oom” and just watch.

Your group needs to give you time to get aggro. It doesn’t work otherwise. If you have a druid, insist on thorns - it helps.

When my group gets too jumpy I just tell them straight up “In order to get threat, I need rage. In order to get rage, I need to get hit. In order to get hit, I need you to wait for a few swipes before you open up”

They take the hint pretty quick.

Paladin tanking is so nice lol. Bless of salv party, consecrate, holy shield, gg aoe threat

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improved thorns.

hit enrage… FF the pack. Los them back.
Demo shout.
Swipe. tab.
Swipe. tab.
Swipe. tab.
Swipe. tab.
Swipe. tab.
Swipe. tab.
leave 1-2 up and build rage for next pull.
FF the pack. Los them back.
Demo shout.
Swipe. tab.
Swipe. tab.
Swipe. tab.
Swipe. tab.

continue until everything is dead.

And that’s why tanks don’t like PUGs, but if you are going to pug tank and you run into these clowns, here are the rules:

  • add them to ignore
  • form your own groups
  • enjoy endless runs while letting the ignored sit in town spamming LFG for a tank

90% of these clowns are either mages or dps warriors for me. The second of which likes to roll on my leather and spam high threat sunders so i generally avoid taking them anyhow.

Personally, I like to charge ahead to the next mob when the last enemy in my current mob gets sub 50% health. This gives me enough time to get aggro on everything while the group finishes off the last mob. My gear is pretty good for my level, so my healers usually keep up their mana just fine with chain pulls like this.

But one time I had a Mage in my group who just couldn’t get it through his thick skull that I couldn’t aoe tank if he instantly dropped Blizzard + CoC the moment I pulled. After asking him in chat to wait a few seconds only to have him ignore me, I did the only thing I could think of to get it through his head. For the rest of the run, I pulled the instant I saw him start drinking. After the 3rd or 4th pull, he raged in chat and I said “See it’s annoying as ^$^& when people don’t give you enough time to do the things you need to do”. And we were fine after that.

So it turns out that even idiots can sometimes be forced to learn.

Let the DPS pull aggro. Just focus on helping the healer then you can slowly focus on helping the DPS one at a time. If they die consider it a learning experience and use it to tell them to stop being dumb and pulling aggro.

Some people are bad at the game and sometimes bad players need to be reminded just how garbage they really are, laying in the dirt and waiting for the mob pack to die is usually a good wake up call I’ve found.