I can’t find a proper game play video video but this is the smooth effect I have seen in the past from other streamers and video of WoW game play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYAfUJXPCqc You can really see the smoothness about 30 seconds in.
This is done with ai to achieve the fps locking at 60fps, but I’ve seen streams where people play wow with this same silky smooth 60fps look. 99% of streamers who are locked to 60fps do not have this look. I am wondering how the ones that are, are achieving this look I’ve also seen it done at 120hz/fps, but, I’ve only seen that once, and the guy had a monster computer.
There are also full movies that have this silky look, I think its just 60fps, but I don’t know what the term is called or why it happens? Also, does anyone have any game play videos with this silky smoother than life look? I’ve whitenessed it before, but I am having a hard time finding any good examples of it.
Most people that share their 60fps wow game play videos are not locking 60fps properly so its hyper smooth. I’ve also not seen this effect in WoW gameplay videos in over 5 years, but I do not watch a lot of WoW streams, so maybe they changed something in WoW, where its no longer locking to 60fps properly?
You can also see the same smoothing effect in this willsmith clip at 3:13: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i82xURPkLWo - still has slight fps drops, but its much better than most WoW gameplay videos in terms of properly locking to 60fps.
What is that? I’ve not been able to ask anyone how they are playing their WoW like this, what settings, monitors, gear etc, because almost no one does it. Like, I have seen it for World of Warcraft from like 1 streamer at 120hz, in my entire life done properly. Any idea how you would do that for World of Warcraft? What settings/gear? Maybe WoW has changed too much and its no longer possible, even at 60hz/fps. Even finding proper 60fps gameplay outside of WoW is hard! So many mislabeled gaming videos on YouTube, its terrible.
Any help?
Edit: So I got the smooth look at 144fps, that is close to what I was going for, but now when I stream its very choppy.