Progressive itemization study

Check out the follow-up thread here Progressive itemization is crucial or character/raid progression is compromised

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Damn OP, I can’t really help with much commentary over what’s already been said but looking at the old Judgement set, it baffled me that it was ever so…bad…compared to what it was when I got it later in its life cycle.

At 1.2 progression? Probably around 20ish. So instead of 300 dps you’ll do 320… massive bro tHiS iS sO gAmEbReAkIng

It’s relative, bud. That’s a 6-7% DPS loss.

It’s not gamebreaking, but it’s noticeable.

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Should stop looking at things in percentage variables and look at them in time.
Take a boss with 500,000 hp.
26 dps doing 300 dps each produces 7800 dps. Boss dies in about 64 seconds.
Now lets give them that CHARACTER BREAKING 20 DPS BOOST
they’re now doing 8320 dps. That boss now dies in about 60 seconds. Might get that extra shadow bolt off, might not. Might get 2 melee swings in, might not.

You’re totally right bro, those four seconds are so CRUCIAL and are totally compromising raid progression!!!

Per Warlock.

Nice strawman. Try actually reading what I said.

You’re right. Some classes get less.

6-7% = 4 seconds of fighting. It’s not noticeable.

It is, by definition.

You’re also not accounting for trash, and the fact not every boss fight is only a minute long.

I said it wasn’t gamebreaking. Relax.

look people use the Pservers as an example of doing progressive items and they managed to fk it up every time. Last time on nd we had greens with +31 frost power on head at launch.

u were basicly bis if u bought the best green +spelpower items for, cloak,bracers,head,feet,shoulders. U could even do legs&body.

Why would I account for trash? Guys saying non regressed items would compromise raid progression. You think trash is blocking progression? I could do the same thing with a boss with a million hp. It’s irrelevant because even doubling the HP amount would only be adding a total of 8 seconds onto the fight.

Because it’s a large portion of any raid and takes time to clear. Is that a serious question, or a rhetorical one?

No, but they affect clear times.

Because guilds don’t get blocked by trash in MC, they get blocked by bosses…? It’s a very serious question because the OP made a thread saying “progressive itemization is crucial or character/raid progression is compromised”. you think he meant to imply anything but the boss difficulty?

What guilds looking to clear content for the first time is worried about their clear times, lmao. You’ve been hanging out with euro neets for too long.

Again it’s a Pserver thing… They somehow feel like classic is made for them and should be like Pservers.

But that’s not this thread is it? It’s also not wrong.

Character and raid progression is “compromised,” as far as vanilla authenticity is concerned. As I said, though, and I’ll quote myself because you seem to keep ignoring this and arguing against a strawman:

So what is your argument, exactly, because I don’t think I understand what point you’re trying to get across.

Characters will be stronger across the board. Boss kills will be faster, raids will be cleared faster and more easily. It’s not significantly so, but it is a quantifiable fact.

And your argument is that… better gear won’t make those bosses easier? Or what?

Ones that don’t get a full clear the first week.
Ones that want to farm the raid quickly to gear up for the next raid(s).
Ones going for world/realm first.
Ones that have limited time to raid.

I’m sure I could think of a few more scenarios , but that’s just off the top of my head.

Nope, I’m American. I play on US servers.

Nothing I said had anything to do with private servers. Go away, troll.

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It’s the followup thread to this thread and also posted just before my original post.

I don’t think there’s anything not authentic about 4 second faster boss kills. You want authentic? Get a time machine and lobotomize the parts of your brain having to do with vanilla WoW. Otherwise you’re never getting tHe AuThEnTiC eXpErIeNcE.

Not arguing anything. The closest thing I can get to an argument in this thread is "it’s a waste of time to revert items back and doesn’t have any impact on raid progression because the gains are so insignificant it doesn’t affect anything substantial.

If you’re gonna wipe, you’re gonna wipe. Having 20 dps extra on everyone isn’t going to change a thing. If this game had any challenging PvE at the starter tiers, it might be different. But it’s a faceroll. Taking 4 seconds longer on a boss doesn’t make it harder. You won’t even notice it. MC/Onyxia are gonna be cleared within the first month if its 1.2 loot or 1.12 loot.

So what you’re saying is that the guild that can’t kill Nefarian is going to focus on improving clear times over…killing nefarian? lmao

Farm the raid quickly? You get a set amount of bosses per week! Doesn’t matter if you kill them in 10 hours or in 1 half hour.

World firsts were taken 14 years ago. just lmao at realm firsts. more like, who can log on firsts. when raids are cleared on the same day they’re released, it creates a long period of farming that puts players well above the gear threshold for the next tier of raiding.

What guilds form with the caveat that they only raid X amount of hours a week and X is “limited”. Oops sorry guys, took too long buffing but we used up our allotted raiding hours this week.

Speed running and “clear times” are a distinct private server affliction. They’ve drank from the cup of tism, and the only way they can keep themselves entertained while farming the same raid over and over again is to see who can run through the instance the fastest. I had the same impression as he did.

Then I’ll just stop replying to you. Easy enough, thanks.

Nothing to argue when you’re stating facts.

Then there’s nothing to argue against when saying that raid progression is compromised and it will affect raid progression. Thanks.

Except it won’t. Good to know your declarations of “ok I’ll stop posting now” means absolutely nothing.

Except it will. You even quantified how much it would, remember?