Progressive itemization is crucial or character/raid progression is compromised

No contradiction here. The game will be fun. Blizzard will have done a good job. It won’t be perfect. I don’t care.

I suggest people get out more.


I’m 100% sure a company like blizz has the repos on every patch. I still have repos of the first game I ever worked on, the first tool I ever made, the first physics engine I built from the ground up (which, you know, being first and all was HAHAHAHA) - etc. But I’m the guy that does that kind of thing so meh. Some folks overwrite everything and some only keep release builds.

Personally, I think it would be ace to see a 1.1-1.12 release of everything, even class changes, but I do understand that’s asking too much and would definitely be weird for lots of folks.

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it’s not just itemization, it’s talents, tanking , and mob nerfs/changes that were made.

It’s everything together.

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I agree that they should have an intact image of every patch. Reading between the lines when Blizzard described the process they went through looking for a Classic development path, I think their backups are unfortunately less than complete. 1.12 was the cleanest and most complete they could find. (As an aside, I don’t think they would be using 1.11 AV, if they had a complete instance image of an earlier version.)

Yeah, nah. if you do progressive itemization people will just hoard the garbage items until they get a buff and become relevant. I see where you are coming from but blizz shouldn’t waste their resources trying to implement Progressive itemization.

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Full progressive itemization would be the best, I agree, but I’m going to plant my flag in the “That would cost us a raid tier” ground. :joy:

Obviously they’re not if they’re going to leave such gaping itemization holes untoutched. And it’s a shame too, because they got the other half of the equation right (patch-gating items), now they just need to get progressive item stats right and the game will be much better off for it.


There is a flaw in your logic. It isn’t a “gaping itemization hole”, it is a trivial itemization hole.

Play it. Don’t play it. Stew in your own juices about it. Or relax and maybe have fun. The choice is yours.

It’s a game. You know, like Monopoly or Risk or DnD. The entire endeavor is a trivial pursuit.

Have you never had to face a real life problem? Do you not see the difference here?


Oh don’t worry, I’m going to play even if they do nothing about itemization. That said, I want Classic to be as best as it can be especially after all the struggles we had to endure to even be at this point where Classic is a real thing and is about to be released. So it’s natural for people to be passionate about a game they’ve been so invested in and campaigned for all these years. This is the time where our feedback actually matters because once they release it with 1.12 itemization there is no reverting that.


You should be glad you’re getting phased content at all, that was the compromise over just releasing 1.12 completely as was. There might be some itemization that’s a little over powered for that phase but it’s not as major issue. You’ll still be able to force everyone to run MC for a few months with no pvp system etc…

It sounds like blizzard is already putting a lot of effort into just content phasing so given that it’ll only matter for a few months anyways, all the servers end up in phase 6 eventually, crying about a handful of items seems silly.

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For starters, that chest has a 15% drop rate, and you have a 1/6 chanc of the boss that drops it will spawn.

Secondly, this is vanilla. Even with progressive itemization, you will get items in p1 that will last you until Naxx. Who cares if someone farms the BRD arena until their eyes bleed for an item that will last them for the next several phases, many classes will get items out of MC/Ony that last just as long.

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That’s the thing though; it’s precisely because there are not that many items that need attention that Blizzard can and should do it. Nobody’s asking to go back and fix all the low level quest items that were updated in 1.10, or items that had insignificant changes that did not really increase their power. There are items that are anomalies in the power curve of Phase 1 and 2 that should be toned down to their original stats until the proper time. It will be much better for the health of the game, keep the power curve smooth, make dungeons relevant for much longer and keep your characters with meaningful upgrades along their journeys.

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As much as I’d like people to experience the facepalm that was itemization at launch in vanilla I feel it won’t impact progression heavily. Gearing up and attuning a 40 man roster will still be a significant hurdle for most guilds.

Obviously hardcore guilds are gonna power thru MC and the first Ragnaros kill will be much sooner on classic than vanilla with or without progressive itemization.

Are you assuming rank 13/14 is going to be common? If so I got some news for you…


That’s your takeaway from my entire post? rank 13 gear? which I listed last btw, for obvious reasons. I didn’t even mention rank 14 weapons because that’s really an outlier not worth discussing. Rank 12 though is certainly attainable for the semi-hardcore; I got rank 12 in retail Vanilla while having a job and other adult responsibilities.

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I thought withholding gear until later is bad.
How am I suppose to know if certain pieces are removed from loot table when I got to farm them?

Well PvPers need something to do, so don’t try and trivialize their fun by with holding all loot from the game until nax because some of it may of been best in slot for certain raids

I mean why do some people think that everyone is going to have high warlord weapons at the start of the game, they are already withholding the system and besides if someone did have a high warlord weapon then wouldn’t it be beneficial to the raid group for the long run to have less people competing for items.

Well 1.12 class design will trivialize content more in the long run, I’m not a fan of actiblizz like time gating that you see in the modern wow.

the drop rate on that is as low as ironfoe.

gl getting it “easily” .

You can 2-man the arena event, it takes like 10-15 minutes depending on how geared you are, the drop rate of the chest itself is 15% and there’s a 1/6 chance the event will spawn the boss that drops it. Also the arena event in 1.10 drops other attractive items like Ban’thok Sash, so it’s always easy to get a party of warrior/healer/caster to 3-man the arena in like 5-10 minutes per reset.

Compare that to Ironfoe where you need a full party to do a lava run that takes like 30 minutes at least in a pug (I’m being nice here), where multiple things can go wrong and it has a ~0.3% chance to drop from the final boss. So yes, a chest that is BiS til AQ40/Naxx being obtained from BRD after hitting 60 in Phase 1 by 2-man farming an event in 10-15 minutes qualifies as easy to get.

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youre forgetting the fact that the boss is random on which one you get.

There will be like a million guides on Wowhead and probably a multitude of in-game addons that will tell you this information when you hover over an item. With how easy information is to get/come by nowadays, it’s really not an excuse for the game to have broken itemization on release day.

Nobody thinks that, I never even mentioned the R14 weapons in my post. Read it again; my emphasis is on easily obtainable blue gear.

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