Hello friends. I am a aging gamer who never really parses over 60% for item level who is now stuck at the point where the only upgrades for me are my 1 vault item a week from 8 +10s.
My question for you all is what is the incentive to keep playing when Mythic raid is tuned to a point where the few guilds I’ve seen doing a public recruitment require 95% parses or higher to even be considered?
I’m mechanically sound at avoiding all things bad, but I am not a machine who can do perfect button pushes with a .5s GCD and being fully aware of all resources; holy power/combo points/procs and such. But I no longer see any reason to log on after doing my 8 +10s as I no longer am rewarded for doing any content.
Tips to keep my 15 a month actually last the month instead of just 4 days of it? I would love to raid mythic, but I’m not that guy.
No I’m pushing 40 and not one to bait a reaction, I was genuinely looking for tips to keep my sub worth it but I forgot the forums are basically 05 barrens chat. My bad for seeking help in the place to ask for it.
I mean, if mythic raiding is all you have left to do and you aren’t interested in getting in a position to mythic raid, then you’ve basically beaten the game for the season. Time to roll an alt, or farm trivial titles or old raid sets. About all that’s left for you.
Delve meta mount is kind of cool if you like doing Delves.
It’s not that I am not interested, I just don’t have the skill level to succeed in Mythic Raid without being a carry.
I play a bit too much. My Brann is 59 and my Delve season journey has long been complete. I have every class at 80, every class at least 600. Perhaps you’re right and I need to find a new hobby for the other 6 days of the week.
The first 4 mythic bosses are pretty easily puggable, you just need some ilvl (Which it sounds like you have) and some competent logs on heroic. Nobody expects perfection and 95 logs, especially on mythic, is nowhere close to consistent or feasible for even the guilds who have already cleared the raid completely.
If you’re capable of getting mythic track geared from M+ you’re likely capable of doing some mythic raiding, at the end of the day it’s just running puzzles while doing your rotation. I’m sure there’s lots of guilds in the world that have a few mythic bosses on farm and slowly progress through most of the raid by the end of the tier with players of similar skill as you.
Also, advertisements are sometimes misleading. I know the typical spam I would see is ‘LF exceptional players’ and then they would list their progress, but guilds with actual exceptional players don’t really need to advertise. They’re all just a bunch of college students, and boomer dads like the rest of us. Gotta shoot your shot sometimes, give the Looking For Guild forum a peep and see what kind of replies you get if you’re serious about getting into mythic raiding.
Then don’t play? Idk why people feel the need to stay subbed to something they no longer enjoy. It’s ok to take a break from wow. I pretty much went from WoTLK to SL.
Agree, the guild I’m in we’re currently 3/8 mythic, we have good parses as a guild, we’re a bit more casual and don’t require a new player to be 95% parse. We would have progged further last week but we were short 3 players.
Theres always going to be a wall for 99% of players. If you don’t feel like banging your head on that wall, then maybe progression raiding isnt for you. If you don’t have the skill level required, what do you expect them to do? Should they just give you the reward for trying hard? If you get past the boss you’re working on now, likely there’s just another boss to bang your head on around the corner. You can always get better at a fight. Improve your positioning, manage your CD’s, etc.
I would be wary of any guild demanding 95% parses (I’m assuming you’re referring to heroic and not mythic) outright. Parsing (especially in heroic) can be chalked up to cheesy shenanigans and variables such as comp, did you get targeted by mechanics, did somebody dealing with a mechanic messed with you in some way, did you get PI, did you god roll RNG on procs, did you play a pad build to pad on adds that don’t matter? Granted if you’re like 625+ you should be pretty high up, but most decent mythic guilds will care about how you do during a trial.
Nobody just has the skill to shine in mythic. You learn it like anything else. The most important thing is that you’re consistent mechanically, can do jobs if needed, can help problem solve, and do decent damage.