Progressing the campaign

ok so I am in exactly the same boat. I kept reading about the Vision of Time quest that you get from Kairoz, but I couldn’t find it… because I had thoroughly neglected his daily quest to go get those damn epoch stones. once I did that, then he had the quest for me. Guess I have to do that a few times, and I am gucci

I have done the quest ‘Driving Back the flame’ and the time thingoe in Siege of Org but its not completing the chapter for me. Any ideas on what I am missing as I am exalted with Shaohao

I’m not certain if this will be helpful, but after completing A Vision in Time, the next quest in the chain, Refining the Vision, appears to only become available from Kairoz after the next weekly reset.

I had to look this up, because I completed ‘A Vision in Time’ last week, and was able to pick up ‘Refining the Vision’ this week, but my wife, who completed ‘A Vision in Time’ yesterday, did not have a quest available from Kairoz.

I understand that these two quests are not the direct subject of the OP, but Kairoz’s quest chain, and The Siege of Orgrimmar storyline, seem to have some interactions that may be relevant. Hopefully this information helps.

Have you completed Path of the Mistwalker, the quest to kill 20 elite creatures on the Timeless Isle? This quest seems to be a prequisite for Drive Back the Flame. If you’re unsure if you’ve completed ‘Path of the Mistwalker’, you can use Wowhead’s script in-game to check:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(33342))

Hope that helps!

Hey, I figured out the bug. If you abandon this quest, the quest giver doesn’t have the quest available anymore until you do the daily quest he has. Once you do the daily, he has the normal quest available again. Thank you though!

I was able to finish the Siege of Orgimmar story, but still unable to finish the Kirin Tor Offensive. I have completed each of the quests listed on Wowhead, but it appears to be bugged. I have created a bug report and hope that everyone else in the same situation does the same.

Yesterday I was at 9/10, with Kun-Lai Summit outstanding (though I completed everything I know to complete.)

Today I am at 8/10, with Kirin Tor Offensive and Kun-Lai Summit marked as incomplete.

No clue what to do. And no campaign quests anywhere on the maps.

Also, I have maxed rep for all factions and I only have the “Pandaria Raids” and “Heroic: Pandaria Raids” left to finish.

Help - bug? Any way to find out what is missing?

I found the bug: I completed “Champion of the Thunder King” yesterday. But now it is back as a requirement… Only 9 of those Stones to go until I can re-complete this.

UPDATE: And then finally - I got a bunch of stuff back in the mailbox - including a number of Stones, like 5. So seems like there was some sort of glitch happening.

UPDATE / UPDATE: So now I am back to 9/10 completion, with Kun-Lai Summit outstanding, though I completed everything I know to complete and there is no info in the Campaign completion list, etc.