Progessive PvP Itemization

Yeah, but I love MC. So even if I’m not getting anything I can still have fun, pointless fun, but fun.

This is where I got my information for the most part. Thanks for the link Pintero. :slight_smile:

Actually one really cool thing about that is there’s always a chance those MC patterns can drop, which are like 00.4% depending on which!

Ion? Is that you? We’re still waiting for a definition of fun that isn’t “Bigger loot”, if it is you there.

Isn’t every persons interpretation of what is pointless different? One could argue playing the game is pointless?

You caught me. Bigger Loot is always fun.


I read that as “I’m Notion”. And my first question was… who is Notion?? :joy:

But that’s the point you’re ignoring. Bigger personal loot is only one of the primary motivators for running a raid repeatedly. Achievement is another. Teamwork and cooperation is another.

From a pure loot perspective, if I get the gear for my raid team, a rising tide lifts all boats. I’m more likely to get my BiS AQ40 gear, if my raid team has all they need from BWL. I can’t progress without the other 45 people in my raid team being geared…

And man… some of those guys absolutely suuuuuuuuuck at PVP.

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Due to how and when Steamwheedle Cartel server was originally opened (March 21 2006) and that I immediately started working on climbing the PVP ladder, I had the blue PVP set at about the same time I hit level 60. I hit Commander rank the night that the Naxx patch went live (June 28 2006). During that period I was usually about 10-15th on the server in honor earned per week.

When my guild started raiding MC the rest of the Warlocks and Mages loved me because I was passing on a lot of gear thanks to the blue PVP gear being as good or better than a lot of the MC gear (minus the resistances). I was glad to see them get geared up, I definitely bid against them, we were using DKP, for the T2 Pants from Rags and Helm from Ony though as those were better than the pvp blues.

For me, how they are releasing Classic is almost exactly how I experienced Vanilla except that Battlegrounds and PVP ladders/gear would be existing from the start.

The pvp gear is barely on par with early MC gear and even then it usually only outshines raid gear when it comes to base stats.

You might want to clarify which PVP gear you’re talking about then.

Considering you can’t get a full set of gear from pvp, actually not even close to it if you only get to rank 8 there’s going to be plenty of reason to run BWL.

The stuff I looked at in one of the other topics was the rank 8/10 stuff. The gear that is going to be attainable by a decent amount of WoW.

Well not everyones going to do BWL.
Focusing too much on the reward will probably not make it fun.

Raiding is not fun for everyone its just a means to getting that one item they want. So you shouldn’t limit people to things that are already available.