
I can’t seem to switch professions. I tried dropping skinning to switch to BS with no luck.


It would not work for me while trying from the Professions tab, but I was able to unlearn mining by doing it in the Skills tab from the Character Info window.


OMG Thank you, its been driving me crazy!

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That’s what I wound up doing, it worked, at least.

the beta was in a weird patch was a mix of Warth and cata so it was the classic/tbc/warth way of removing skills

anyone know a trick for enchanters to be able to disenchant items?

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Hi, I’m on the beta and trying to remove a profession. It seems to be stuck in that weird phase between Cata removal, and Wrath removal. I try unlearning Skinning, and whatever other profession I have gets removed instead. Yet, I’m clicking the skinning removal button. When I confirm the removal, it shows in chat that I unlearned the other profession instead, despite not wanting to.

When I creaated my toon, it came with Jewelry skill. I cannot remove it either.

I can’t either