I really was looking forward to the expansion. I played Beta and did feel many things would be an issue. Professions being at the top of the list. Professions are now a full time job just farming whats needed to craft. Not only is it massive farming but leveling the points and the entire system? Maybe its just me but this system is terrible and there was no need to complicate this the way it was. World of Warcraft should of course be challenging but also fun. The profession system is terrible IMO.
I love the Dragonriding but I know some people do not. Does anyone actually like the leveling of professions and what its turned into?
As opposed to the professions that didn’t require farming? 
Sorry but I dont get what you are saying. You always had to farm, yes but nothing to this extent. The system itself is the major issue with leveling the profession and the how the specializations points work.
This is the best manifestation of professions in the history of the game.
Not perfect, but far better than it was.
I suspect that sometimes we get accustomed to having an alt farm a bunch of mats and then quickly leveling a profession and being done, which isn’t necessarily bad. This time around it appears that crafting will kind of level with us throughout the expansion and we are never really done with it. It’s different. Whether or not that’s good is individual preference.
There are still plenty of bugs to work out and I’m struggling to understand all the details but I think there is potential here.
We are only in the second week of a year plus journey and maybe not rushing through it all will be a good thing. Just a thought. 
now people can use their own mats for your orders, i rly dont see the problem.
and this is kinda the way its always been. hence the reason why people always mostly had a toon dedicated to professions
Sounds like the underlying issue is being upset you can’t as easily “power-level” a profession anymore?
It’s a half baked system. People don’t understand the work orders, people don’t use them. Blizz wants to force them to use it by making things BoP, that will fail. And they let people exploit the game and gave them a slap on the wrist, a 3 day ban but they can keep their max renown and knowledge and tank the region economy, oh but its fixed now so no one can catch up and cheat like them. Coudn’t fix it before game came out, won’t punish people cheating, half baked system, best to just wait till .2 patch when they fix things before wasting your gold on this
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The current system is awful. Like giga bad.